MISCELLANEOUS (definitions, usage, idioms) |
Dialects |
Thesaurus (synonyms) |
Anagrams |
Antonyms |
Hypernyms (supernyms) and hyponyms |
Idioms (& slang) |
Phrase and Fable (incl. idioms, proverbs) |
Proverbs |
Phrasal verbs |
Neologisms |
Foreign words |
Encyclopaedias |
Pictorial |
Quotations |
Corpuses (usage, words in context) |
Acronyms and abbreviations (see also specialised fields) |
Rhyming dictionaries |
Pronunciation |
Miscellaneous |
Many | Onelook (Searches 589 dictionaries at once) - Select "definitions" |
Definitions, usage, synonyms, antonyms, idioms |
En | Merriam Webster Dictionary (or here) (select) (incl. audio pronunciation) |
En | Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary | |
En | WordNet 1.5 Search (Synonyms, antonyms, parts of object, more general / specific, related words) | |
En | WordNet 1.6 (or here) | |
En | RhymeZone (definitions, synonyms, antonyms, related words, rhyming words, similar sounding words, homophones, similar spellings, words with matching consonants, quotations) | |
En | Wordsmyth (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms) | |
En | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (OALD) (or here) (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms) | |
En | The Newbury House Online Dictionary (& illustrations) (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms) | |
En | Dictionary.com (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms) | |
En | Collins English Dictionary (Wordreference) (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms) | |
En | The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (definitions,
usage, synonyms, idioms, incl. audio pronunciation) ![]() |
En | The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms, incl. audio pronunciation) | |
En | Encarta World English Dictionary | |
En | Cambridge International Dictionary of English (select) (definitions, usage, idioms) | |
En | Collins Cobuild English Dictionary (Definitions, idioms) | |
It | Garzanti | |
It | Parolevive | |
It | LIST OF ITALIAN DICTIONARIES by Marcello Napolitano, (ATA - American Translators Association) | |
De | Meyers Lexikon | |
De | Wahrig Deutsches Wörterbuch (or here & select!) | |
De | Leipzig (or here) (usage, idioms) | |
Fr | Hachette
(Francophonie) ![]() |
Fr | Larousse (or here) ![]() |
En | The American Heritage Dictionary of the Spanish Language (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms, incl. audio pronunciation) | |
Es | Diccionario de la Lengua Española | |
Es | Vox/Vox | |
Es | Diccionarios | |
Es | Laenciclopedia - Diccionario de la Lengua Española | |
Es | Diccionario del Español Usual en México | |
Es | Dictionary of Chilean Spanish | |
Pt | Porto Editora | |
Pt | Michaelis | |
Pt | Dicionário Universal Língua Portuguesa / Dicionário Universal Língua Portuguesa | |
ZH | Chinalink | |
Dialects |
It (CH) | Vocabolario di dialetto ticinese (or here) |
It (CH) | Il lessico italiano in Svizzera | |
De (CH) | Pauker Dictionary of Swiss German terms (keywords: Schweizer Deutsch, Schwyzerdütsch) | |
De (CH) | Schweizerdialekt (CH De-De / De-CH De) | |
De (CH) | Schweizerdeutsch Alltag | |
Thesaurus (synonyms) |
En | Roget's Thesaurus |
En | Roget's Thesaurus (Bartleby - 1) ![]() |
En | Roget's Thesaurus ![]() |
En | Roget's Thesaurus (260,000 synonyms & cross-references) | |
En | Lexical FreeNet (Synonyms and related words; search for general terms or famous names) | |
En | Merriam Webster | |
En | Moby Thesaurus | |
En | WordNet 1.5 Search (Synonyms, antonyms, parts of object, more general / specific, related words) | |
En | WordNet 1.6 (or here) | |
En | Bloomsbury's Thesaurus. Select "thesaurus". | |
En | *** Thesaurus.com (incl. antonyms) | |
En | RhymeZone (definitions, synonyms, antonyms, related words, rhyming words, similar sounding words, homophones, similar spellings, words with matching consonants, quotations) | |
En | ISC Dictionary of Synonyms (France) (or here) | |
En | Lycos dictionary (Select "Find synonyms", "Find related words" or "Find antonyms") | |
Br En / US En | British English / American English | |
Br En / US En | English2American | |
Br En / US En | United Kingdom English for the American Novice | |
It | Virgilio | |
It | Parolevive | |
Fr | Elsap | |
Fr | Institut des Sciences Cognitives (ISC) (France) (or here, here, here) | |
Es | Universidad de Oviedo | |
Anagrams |
En | Lexical FreeNet (Search for general terms or famous names) |
En | Wordsmith Internet Anagram Server | |
Antonyms |
En | **** WordNet 1.5 Search (Synonyms, antonyms, parts of object, more general / specific, related words) |
En | **** WordNet 1.6 (or here) | |
En | RhymeZone (definitions, synonyms, antonyms, related words, rhyming words, similar sounding words, homophones, similar spellings, words with matching consonants, quotations) | |
En | Lexical FreeNet (Search for general terms or famous names) | |
It | Parolevive | |
Hypernyms (supernyms) & hyponyms |
En | Lexical FreeNet (Search for general terms or famous names) |
En | WordNet 1.5 Search (Synonyms, antonyms, parts of object, more general / specific, related words) | |
En | WordNet 1.6 (or here) | |
Idioms |
En | Cambridge
International Dictionary of Idioms (select) (idiom -> concept ) |
En | GoEnglish Idiom Dictionary | |
En | Phrase Finder (concept -> idiom) |
En | English idioms, sayings & slang (Wayne Magnuson) | |
En | The Idiom
Connection (idiom -> concept; category -> idiom) |
En | Idioms Guide (explanations, examples and translation in Chinese) (Virtual Language Centre, Hong Kong) | |
Slang |
En | A dictionary of slang (peevish.com) |
En | English idioms, sayings & slang (Wayne Magnuson) | |
Phrase and Fable (incl. idioms, proverbs) |
En | Brewer's |
En | Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable ![]() |
En | The Age of Fable or Beauties of Mythology ![]() |
En | ***** Encyclopedia Mythica | |
It | Dizionario Mitologico | |
Proverbs |
En / Sp / Lat / Bas | Gotzon Garate |
En | Globegate | |
Fr | Proverbes | |
It | Dizionario dei Proverbi Italiani (Giuseppe Giusti) | |
It | Parolevive | |
Phrasal verbs |
En | Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs (select) |
Foreign words |
De | Wahrig Fremdwörterlexikon; (or here &select!) |
De | Langenscheidt Fremdwörterbuch (keywords: Helvetismus, Helvetismen, Swiss words) | |
Neologisms |
It | Neologisms |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | Colba.net (Le petit Dico de la francophonie de NiouZeNet; French neologisms and English etc. words from which they are derived) | |
Fr | Dictionnaire de néologismes (Balnéo) | |
De | Begriff-wissen (uncommon words) | |
En | Metasearch (6 encyclopaedias at once) |
En | Britannica (or here) | |
En | Britannica Concise | |
En | Encarta, (or here, here, here) (search or browse. Also: dictionary & world atlas) | |
En | Encyclopedia | |
En | Infoplease | |
En | Xrefer Reference search engine with about 55 sources including Oxford
Paperback Encycl. and many other encyc./dictionaries) (Use " " for exact phrases!) |
En | Columbia Encyclopedia (Bartleby) | |
En | The Canadian Encyclopedia Online | |
En | How Stuff Works (descriptions and images) | |
En | World Factbook 2001 (new every year) | |
En | World Factbook ![]() |
En | World Factbook | |
En | Countrywatch (main information about different countries) | |
En | Uni Wuerzburg country information (incl. constitutions in English) | |
En | *** Wikipedia (incl. terms in local languages as well as English) | |
De | Wissen (select "gesamt Wissen A-Z") | |
De | Xipolis (searches over 30 lexicons, dictionaries and encyclopedias) | |
De | Encarta (ore here) | |
It | Encarta | |
It | Parolevive | |
Fr | Encarta (or here) | |
Fr | WebEncyclo (or here) | |
Fr | The Canadian Encyclopedia Online | |
Fr | Club-Internet (Encyclopédie et Atlas Hachette) (50 000 articles) (or here, here, here, here) | |
Fr | Universalis (or here) | |
Fr | Larousse Encyclopédie Kléio | |
Fr | Quid | |
Pt | Continental Portuguese Encyclopedia | |
Pt | Laenciclopedia - Dicionário Enciclpedico | |
Pt | Dicionario Enciclopedico Verbo (or here) | |
Pt | Enciclopedia Verbo | |
Pt | Enciclopédia Universal | |
Es | Encarta | |
Es | ** Laenciclopedia | |
Pictorial |
En | The American Heritage
Dictionary of the English Langauge ![]() |
En | RhymeZone (Select "Search for pictures") | |
De | Duden German | |
Es | Laencicopedia | |
Quotations (Quotes) |
En | Bloomsbury Biographical Dict. of Quot., Bloomsbury Thematic Dict. of
Quot., Oxford Dict. of Quot. (3 in one go) Select "quotations". |
En | Bartlett's Quotations ![]() |
En | Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (over 11,000 searchable quotations) | |
En | Simpson's Contemporary Quotations (19501988) ![]() |
En | Famous Quotations (search by category/keyword) | |
En | RhymeZone (definitions, synonyms, antonyms, related words, rhyming words, similar sounding words, homophones, similar spellings, words with matching consonants, quotations) | |
De | Zitatebank | |
De | Zitate (blueprints.de) | |
De | Das Grosse Z | |
De | Zitate.at | |
De | Zitatenschatz (or here) Browsable only (by category) | |
De | 1001 Aphorismen | |
It | Virgilio - Citazioni/aforismi | |
It | Parolevive | |
Fr | Belles citations | |
Fr | Dicocitations | |
Fr | Citations du Monde | |
Fr | ABCitations (Click on ABC) | |
Fr | Dictionnaire des citations (Quebec) | |
Corpuses (usage; words in context) |
Many | Logos ![]() |
En | **British National Corpus
(BNC) ![]() |
En | VLC's Web
Concordancer (English corpus) (or here) (Virtual
Language Centre, Hong Kong) keyword: collocation |
En | Collins Cobuild's Corpus Concordance Sampler (The Bank of English) (56 million words of contemporary written and spoken text) | |
En | Collins Cobuild's Corpus Collocation Sampler (The Bank of English) | |
En | International Corpus of English (ICE) (mostly sound files of English spoken in many countries around the world: GB, India, Jamaica, Australia etc.) | |
En | The Oxford Text Archive (Click on Full-Text Search) | |
En | Wortschatz Lexikon | |
De | Wortschatz Lexikon | |
Fr | Wortschatz Lexikon | |
Acronyms and abbreviations
En | Acronyms and
Abbreviations ![]() |
En | Acronym Finder (or here) | |
En | Acronyms and abbreviations | |
En | Dictionnaire des acronymes (Quebec) (or here) | |
De | Abkuerzungen.de | |
De | Akronyme und Abkürzungen | |
De | Allgemeine Abkürzungen (and "Eisenbahnspezifische Abkürzungen" and "Abkürzungen aus der Rechtssprache") | |
It | Virgilio | |
It (incl. En long form) | Sigle e Abbreviazioni Usate in Italia | |
Fr | Dictionnaire des acronymes (Quebec) (or here) | |
Nl | Afkorting | |
Rhyming dictionaries |
En | Lycos ryhming dictionary (RhymeZone) (or here) (you can also search for words with same consonants!) |
En | RhymeZone (rhyming words, similar sounding words, homophones, similar spellings, matching consonants) | |
En | Lexical FreeNet (Search for general terms or famous names). Also searches for similar sounding words. | |
De | Reim-lekikon | |
De | 2Rhyme | |
Pronunciation |
En | Merriam Webster Dictionary (or here) (select) |
En | Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary | |
En | The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language ![]() |
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