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MISCELLANEOUS (definitions, usage, idioms)
Thesaurus (synonyms)
Hypernyms (supernyms) and hyponyms
Idioms (& slang)
Phrase and Fable (incl. idioms, proverbs)
Phrasal verbs
Foreign words
Corpuses (usage, words in context)
Acronyms and abbreviations (see also specialised fields)
Rhyming dictionaries



Many Onelook (Searches 589 dictionaries at once) - Select "definitions"

Definitions, usage, synonyms, antonyms, idioms

En Merriam Webster Dictionary (or here) (select) (incl. audio pronunciation)
En Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
En WordNet 1.5 Search (Synonyms, antonyms, parts of object, more general / specific, related words)
En WordNet 1.6 (or here)
En RhymeZone (definitions, synonyms, antonyms, related words, rhyming words, similar sounding words, homophones, similar spellings, words with matching consonants, quotations)
En Wordsmyth (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms)
En Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (OALD) (or here) (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms)
En The Newbury House Online Dictionary (& illustrations) (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms)
En Dictionary.com (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms)
En Collins English Dictionary (Wordreference) (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms)
En The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms, incl. audio pronunciation) i17.gif (258 bytes)
En The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms, incl. audio pronunciation)
En Encarta World English Dictionary
En Cambridge International Dictionary of English (select) (definitions, usage, idioms)
En Collins Cobuild English Dictionary (Definitions, idioms)
It Garzanti
It Parolevive
It LIST OF ITALIAN DICTIONARIES by Marcello Napolitano, (ATA - American Translators Association)
De Meyers Lexikon
De Wahrig Deutsches Wörterbuch (or here & select!)
De Leipzig (or here) (usage, idioms)
Fr Hachette (Francophonie) i17.gif (258 bytes)
Fr Larousse (or here) i17.gif (258 bytes)
En The American Heritage Dictionary of the Spanish Language (definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms, incl. audio pronunciation)
Es Diccionario de la Lengua Española
Es Vox/Vox
Es Diccionarios
Es Laenciclopedia - Diccionario de la Lengua Española
Es Diccionario del Español Usual en México
Es Dictionary of Chilean Spanish
Pt Porto Editora
Pt Michaelis
Pt Dicionário Universal Língua Portuguesa / Dicionário Universal Língua Portuguesa
ZH Chinalink


It (CH) Vocabolario di dialetto ticinese (or here)
It (CH) Il lessico italiano in Svizzera
De (CH) Pauker Dictionary of Swiss German terms (keywords: Schweizer Deutsch, Schwyzerdütsch)
De (CH) Schweizerdialekt (CH De-De / De-CH De)
De (CH) Schweizerdeutsch Alltag

Thesaurus (synonyms)

En Roget's Thesaurus
En Roget's Thesaurus (Bartleby - 1) i17.gif (258 bytes)
En Roget's Thesaurus i17.gif (258 bytes) (Bartleby - 2, incl. definition)
En Roget's Thesaurus (260,000 synonyms & cross-references)
En Lexical FreeNet (Synonyms and related words; search for general terms or famous names)
En Merriam Webster
En Moby Thesaurus
En WordNet 1.5 Search (Synonyms, antonyms, parts of object, more general / specific, related words)
En WordNet 1.6 (or here)
En Bloomsbury's Thesaurus. Select  "thesaurus".
En *** Thesaurus.com (incl. antonyms)
En RhymeZone (definitions, synonyms, antonyms, related words, rhyming words, similar sounding words, homophones, similar spellings, words with matching consonants, quotations)
En ISC Dictionary of Synonyms (France) (or here)
En Lycos dictionary (Select "Find synonyms", "Find related words" or "Find antonyms")
Br En / US En British English / American English
Br En / US En English2American
Br En / US En United Kingdom English for the American Novice
It Virgilio
It Parolevive
Fr Elsap
Fr Institut des Sciences Cognitives (ISC) (France) (or here, here, here)
Es Universidad de Oviedo


En Lexical FreeNet (Search for general terms or famous names)
En Wordsmith Internet Anagram Server


En **** WordNet 1.5 Search (Synonyms, antonyms, parts of object, more general / specific, related words)
En **** WordNet 1.6 (or here)
En RhymeZone (definitions, synonyms, antonyms, related words, rhyming words, similar sounding words, homophones, similar spellings, words with matching consonants, quotations)
En Lexical FreeNet (Search for general terms or famous names)
It Parolevive

Hypernyms (supernyms) & hyponyms

En Lexical FreeNet (Search for general terms or famous names)
En WordNet 1.5 Search (Synonyms, antonyms, parts of object, more general / specific, related words)
En WordNet 1.6 (or here)


En Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms (select)
(idiom -> concept )
En GoEnglish Idiom Dictionary
En Phrase Finder
(concept -> idiom)
En English idioms, sayings & slang (Wayne Magnuson)
En The Idiom Connection
(idiom -> concept; category -> idiom)
En Idioms Guide (explanations, examples and translation in Chinese) (Virtual Language Centre, Hong Kong)


En A dictionary of slang (peevish.com)
En English idioms, sayings & slang (Wayne Magnuson)

Phrase and Fable (incl. idioms, proverbs)

En Brewer's
En Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable i17.gif (258 bytes)
En The Age of Fable or Beauties of Mythology i17.gif (258 bytes)
En ***** Encyclopedia Mythica
It Dizionario Mitologico


En / Sp / Lat / Bas Gotzon Garate
En Globegate
Fr Proverbes
It Dizionario dei Proverbi Italiani (Giuseppe Giusti)
It Parolevive

Phrasal verbs

En Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs (select)

Foreign words

De Wahrig Fremdwörterlexikon; (or here &select!)
De Langenscheidt Fremdwörterbuch (keywords: Helvetismus, Helvetismen, Swiss words)


It Neologisms
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) Colba.net (Le petit Dico de la francophonie de NiouZeNet; French neologisms and English etc. words from which they are derived)
Fr Dictionnaire de néologismes (Balnéo)
De Begriff-wissen (uncommon words)


En Metasearch (6 encyclopaedias at once)
En Britannica (or here)
En Britannica Concise
En Encarta, (or here, here, here) (search or browse. Also: dictionary & world atlas)
En Encyclopedia
En Infoplease
En Xrefer Reference search engine with about 55 sources including Oxford Paperback Encycl. and many other encyc./dictionaries)
(Use " " for exact phrases!)
En Columbia Encyclopedia (Bartleby)
En The Canadian Encyclopedia Online
En How Stuff Works (descriptions and images)
En World Factbook 2001 (new every year)
En World Factbook i17.gif (258 bytes)
En World Factbook
En Countrywatch (main information about different countries)
En Uni Wuerzburg country information (incl. constitutions in English)
En *** Wikipedia (incl. terms in local languages as well as English)
De Wissen (select "gesamt Wissen A-Z")
De Xipolis (searches over 30 lexicons, dictionaries and encyclopedias)
De Encarta (ore here)
It Encarta
It Parolevive
Fr Encarta (or here)
Fr WebEncyclo (or here)
Fr The Canadian Encyclopedia Online
Fr Club-Internet (Encyclopédie et Atlas Hachette) (50 000 articles) (or here, here, here, here)
Fr Universalis (or here)
Fr Larousse Encyclopédie Kléio
Fr Quid
Pt Continental Portuguese Encyclopedia
Pt Laenciclopedia - Dicionário Enciclpedico
Pt Dicionario Enciclopedico Verbo (or here)
Pt Enciclopedia Verbo
Pt Enciclopédia Universal
Es Encarta
Es ** Laenciclopedia


En The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Langauge i17.gif (258 bytes)
En RhymeZone (Select "Search for pictures")
De Duden German
Es Laencicopedia

Quotations (Quotes)

En Bloomsbury Biographical Dict. of Quot., Bloomsbury Thematic Dict. of Quot.,
Oxford Dict. of Quot.

(3 in one go)
Select "quotations".
En Bartlett's Quotations i17.gif (258 bytes)
En Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (over 11,000 searchable quotations)
En Simpson's Contemporary Quotations (1950–1988) i17.gif (258 bytes)
En Famous Quotations (search by category/keyword)
En RhymeZone (definitions, synonyms, antonyms, related words, rhyming words, similar sounding words, homophones, similar spellings, words with matching consonants, quotations)
De Zitatebank
De Zitate (blueprints.de)
De Das Grosse Z
De Zitate.at
De Zitatenschatz (or here) Browsable only (by category)
De 1001 Aphorismen
It Virgilio - Citazioni/aforismi
It Parolevive
Fr Belles citations
Fr Dicocitations
Fr Citations du Monde
Fr ABCitations (Click on ABC)
Fr Dictionnaire des citations (Quebec)

Corpuses (usage; words in context)

Many Logos i17.gif (258 bytes)
En **British National Corpus (BNC) i17.gif (258 bytes)
En VLC's Web Concordancer (English corpus) (or here) (Virtual Language Centre, Hong Kong)
keyword: collocation
En Collins Cobuild's Corpus Concordance Sampler (The Bank of English) (56 million words of contemporary written and spoken text)
En Collins Cobuild's Corpus Collocation Sampler (The Bank of English)
En International Corpus of English (ICE) (mostly sound files of English spoken in many countries around the world: GB, India, Jamaica, Australia etc.)
En The Oxford Text Archive (Click on Full-Text Search)
En Wortschatz Lexikon
De Wortschatz Lexikon
Fr Wortschatz Lexikon

Acronyms and abbreviations
(see also specialised fields)

En Acronyms and Abbreviations i17.gif (258 bytes) (or here)
En Acronym Finder (or here)
En Acronyms and abbreviations
En Dictionnaire des acronymes (Quebec) (or here)
De Abkuerzungen.de
De Akronyme und Abkürzungen
De Allgemeine Abkürzungen (and "Eisenbahnspezifische Abkürzungen" and "Abkürzungen aus der Rechtssprache")
It Virgilio
It (incl. En long form) Sigle e Abbreviazioni Usate in Italia
Fr Dictionnaire des acronymes (Quebec) (or here)
Nl Afkorting

Rhyming dictionaries

En Lycos ryhming dictionary (RhymeZone) (or here) (you can also search for words with same consonants!)
En RhymeZone (rhyming words, similar sounding words, homophones, similar spellings, matching consonants)
En Lexical FreeNet (Search for general terms or famous names). Also searches for similar sounding words.
De Reim-lekikon
De 2Rhyme


En Merriam Webster Dictionary (or here) (select)
En Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
En The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language i17.gif (258 bytes)


Dictionaries & Glossaries (main page)

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