General language |
Dialects |
Neologisms |
Usage (Dictionaries with words in context / Corpuses) |
False friends |
Proverbs |
Acronyms and abbreviations (see also specialised fields) |
General language |
Many versions | Onelook (Searches 589 dictionaries at once) - Select "translations" |
En / It / De / Fr / Es / Dut (Def. in En) |
*** Allwords (incl. usage notes & audio pronunciation) | |
It / En | **** Hazon Garzanti (FREE, but you need to register!) (or here) | |
It / En | **** Collins Italian Dictionary (Wordreference) | |
It / En | *** MSN Encarta Multilingual Dictionary | |
It / En | * De Agostini (Scroll down and click on "Dizionario" link in left-hand column) | |
De / En | **** Collins German Dictionary (Wordreference: The Collins Large German Dictionary © 1999 HarperCollins Publishers) (provides many examples with context) | |
De / En | *** Pons (provides examples) | |
De / En | *** Linguadict (by Linguatec) (512.527 entries, over 2 million terms) (does a full-text search, finding your term as part of other words) | |
De / En | DicData (provides context) | |
De / En | *** MSN Encarta Multilingual Dictionary (provides examples with context) | |
De /En | ** Chemnitz University | |
De / En | ** Dresden | |
De / En | * Berlin Lexikon (full-text search) | |
De / En | * Zeres Wörterbuch Online (Select the right dictionary) | |
De / En | *Web-Trans (Uni Clausthal) | |
De / En | * FreeBSD (full-text search) | |
De / En | * QuickDic (full-text search) | |
De / En | Viamundo Taschenwörterbuch (Wissen.de) | |
De / En | * LEO | |
De / En | *TravLang | |
De / En | * Servus | |
De / En | *Pauker | |
Fr / En | **** Harper Collins French Dictionary (Wordreference.com) | |
Fr / En | *** MSN Encarta Multilingual Dictionary | |
Fr / En | *** Neil Coffey (**Fr-En/*En-Fr) |
Fr / En | French English dictionary (www. french-linguistics. co.uk) | |
Fr / En | * Recomgen | |
Fr / En | * DicoVox | |
Fr / En | Uni Rennes | |
Fr / En | ARTFL | |
Fr / En | Dico.isc | |
De / It | *** Pons | |
De / It | *** De Agostini (Scroll down and click on "Dizionario" link in left-hand column) | |
De / It | * Zeres Wörterbuch Online (Select the right dictionary) | |
De / Fr | *** Pons | |
De / Fr | DicData (provides context) | |
De / Fr | * Zeres Wörterbuch Online (Select the right dictionary) | |
De / Fr | Viamundo Taschenwörterbuch (Wissen.de) | |
Fr / It | *** De Agostini (Scroll down and click on "Dizionario" link in left-hand column) | |
Es / En | **** Collins Concise Spanish Dictionary (Wordreference) | |
Es / En | Diccionarios | |
Es / En | *** MSN Encarta Multilingual Dictionary | |
Es / En | Activa | |
Es / En | Al Cielo | |
Es / En | Spanishdict | |
Es / Fr | Diccionarios | |
Es / It | *** De Agostini (Scroll down and click on "Dizionario" link in left-hand column) | |
Pt / En | ** Porto Editora | |
Pt / En | * Michaelis | |
Pt / En | Dicionário Universal Português/Inglês | |
Pt / Fr | ** Porto Editora | |
Pt / Fr | * Michaelis | |
Pt / Fr | Dicionário Universal Português/Francês | |
Pt / Es | * Michaelis | |
Pt / Es | * Laenciclopedia - diccionario Portugués Español | |
Es / Pt | * Laenciclopedia - diccionario Portugués Español | |
Pt / It | * Michaelis | |
De / Es | *** Pons | |
De / Es | * Zeres Wörterbuch Online (Select the right dictionary) | |
De / Es | * Pauker | |
De / Es | Activa | |
De / Es | Viamundo Taschenwörterbuch (Wissen.de) | |
Pt / De | * Michaelis | |
Ro / En | Romanian | |
De / En / Es / It / Fr | EP Unilex | |
De-En / It / Fr / Es | Wissen | |
Many versions | TravLang | |
En / Many | Ectaco | |
Tk / many | Hazar.com | |
Dialects |
CH It / It | Vocabolario di dialetto ticinese (or here) |
CH It / It | Il lessico italiano in Svizzera | |
CH De / De | Pauker Dictionary of Swiss German terms (keywords: Schweizer Deutsch, Schwyzerdütsch) | |
CH De / De | Schweizerdialekt (CH De-De / De-CH De) (keywords: Schweizer Dialektwörter, Schweizerdeutsch Dialektwörter) | |
CH De / De | Schweizerdeutsch Alltag | |
CH De / De | Helvetismen (short list) | |
CH De / De | Züridüdsch | |
CH De / De | Züridütsch | |
CH De / De | Berndeutsches Wörterbuch | |
CH De / De | Auswahl Schweizer Dialektwörter | |
CH De / De | The Alternative Swiss German Dictionary | |
AT De / De | Austrian German dictionary (Österreichisches Deutsch / Österreichisches Wörterbuch) | |
AT De / De | Austrian German (short list) | |
MORE, more | ||
Neologisms |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Colba.net (Le petit Dico de la francophonie de NiouZeNet; French neologisms and English etc. words from which they are derived) |
Usage (words in context) / Corpuses |
Fr / En | ***Rali (Canadian Hansard Corpus) |
De / En | **Langenscheidt Translation
Memory (or here, then
select "Test it!/T1 4.0". Scroll down and select "Langenscheidts T1
Übersetzungsarchiv".) Use CTRL-F to search the results page. |
De / En / It / Fr / Es | Institution für Translationswissenschaft | |
Many versions | Virgilio | |
False friends |
It / En | Infotrad Italian False Friends (or here) |
Proverbs |
En / Es / Lat / Bas | Gotzon Garate |
Acronyms and abbreviations
De / En | * Dresden |
De / En | ** Berlin | |
It (incl. En long form) | Sigle e Abbreviazioni Usate in Italia | |
Many | ABbreviation Compass |
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