Miscellaneous |
En | Harcourt Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology (125 topics) |
En | McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Science and Technology | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select a field: computer science, mathematics, biochemistry - biology, electromagnetism, chemistry, mechanics, optics, atomic and sub atomic physics, thermodynamics, astronomy, Earth Sciences, electricity - electronics, engineering, computer technology, telecommunications) | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select a field: computer science, mathematics, biochemistry - biology, electromagnetism, chemistry, mechanics, optics, atomic and sub atomic physics, thermodynamics, astronomy, Earth Sciences, electricity - electronics, engineering, computer technology, telecommunications) | |
En / Fr (Def. in En / Fr.) | Grand Dictionnaire (Québec govt., Canada) | |
En | Xrefer (search all books or select a specific book; Use " " for exact phrases!) | |
En / Fr / De / Es (Def. in Fr) | CILF | |
En / Fr / Es (Def. in En / Fr / Es) | Termium (Canada) | |
Many | Onelook (Searches 589 dictionaries at once) - Select "definitions" | |
En | RS Catalogue (ore here) Register FREE. | |
It | RS Catalogue Register FREE. | |
De | RS Catalogue (Germany) / RS Catalogue (Austria) Register FREE. |
De | Wissenschaft Online
(register for free) Physics, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, medicine, optics, psychology etc. |
De / En / Fr / Es (Def. in Fr) | CILF | |
Fr / En (Def. in En / Fr.) | Grand Dictionnaire (Québec govt., Canada) | |
Fr / En / Es (Def. in En / Fr / Es) | Termium (Canada) | |
Fr / En / De / Es (Def. in Fr) | CILF | |
Es / En / De / Fr (Def. in Fr) | CILF | |
Es / En / Fr (Def. in En / Fr / Es) | Termium (Canada) | |
MANY | RS Catalogue (industrial equipment) Register FREE. (Select a country) |
Accounting |
En | AFIS |
En | Dictionary of Accounting, Oxford University Press (et alia) Select "business & law". | |
En | Roughneck's Accounting Glossary | |
It | Dizionario di Contabilità e Finanza - Simone (or here) | |
It / En (Def. in It) | McGraw Hill - Il bilancio (or here) | |
Es | Diccionario Contable y Comercial | |
Agriculture |
De | Lexikon der Landwirtschaft (or here) (keywords: farming) |
Air Conditioning |
En | G&S Mechanical Services (keywords: air conditioning, evaporator, heat pump, split system) |
En | Consumer price guide | |
En | Liebert (auto changeover, chilled water system, comfort air conditioning, dehumidification, tonnage, Precision air-conditioning glossary) | |
En | American Standard Company Heating and Air Conditioning glossary | |
En | Rheem Company | |
En | Howellsac | |
En | Williamspha | |
En | Absolute comfort air | |
En | Metroenergysavers (Energy saving, heating and air-conditioning glossaries) | |
En | Comfort Systems Glossary of air-conditioning terms | |
Animals |
En | Dictionary of Animals (from Hutchinson Encyclopaedia) |
Architecture |
illustrated |
En | Aaron's Illustrated Glossary of Architecture & Decor |
En | Michael Durkin's Architectural Terms | |
En | Construction Glossary from Home Building Manual | |
Arts |
En | Artcyclopedia |
illustrated |
En | Artlex art dictionary |
En | Kfki.hu (click on Glossary; Italian art, general art, arcade, apse, entablature etc, etc.) | |
It | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Painting | |
It | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Pigments | |
Astronomy |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "astronomy") |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "astronomie") | |
Audiovisual |
En (some It) (Def. in It) | Glossario dei termini audiovisivi |
Automation |
It (some En) (Def. in It) | Infoland Srl (Rilevazione dati e controllo presenze del personale, Smart cards) |
Automotive |
illustrated |
En | Dictionary of automotive terms (or here) |
En | John Barach | |
En | Automotive industry | |
En | Volvo | |
En | GMC | |
En | Pontiac | |
En | Mercedes Benz | |
En | Rolls Royce | |
En | Land Rover | |
En | Nissan | |
En | Ford Probe | |
En | Gillespie Ford | |
En | Toyota | |
En | Subaru | |
En | Lotus | |
En | Woman motorist | |
En | Truck terms | |
En | Automotive painting | |
En | Autozone (over 6,500 terms) | |
En | Automotive Terminology (Velocity) | |
En | Air Bags glossary | |
illustrated |
It | Dizionario Tecnico dell'Automobilismo |
It | Alfa Romeo | |
Es | BMW | |
Bar Coding |
En | Zebra Bar Coding Glossary |
Batteries |
illustrated |
De | Varta.de (or here) |
illustrated |
En | Varta.com |
En | Battery Technologies Inc. | |
Biochemistry |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "biochimie - biologie") |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "English version" for definition of En terms; Select "biochemistry - biology") | |
Biology |
En | Dictionary
of Biology, Oxford University Press (et alia) Select "science". |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "English version" for definition of En terms; Select "biochemistry - biology") | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "biochimie - biologie") | |
It | Dizionario Enciclopedico ZANICHELLI di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche e di Biotecnologie «Italiano-Inglese» «Inglese-Italiano» (definitions in Italian) | |
Biotechnology |
En | BioTech |
En | Glossary of Biotechnology Terms | |
En | Glossary of Genetic Terms | |
It | Dizionario Enciclopedico ZANICHELLI di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche e di Biotecnologie «Italiano-Inglese» «Inglese-Italiano» (definitions in Italian) | |
Birds |
illustrated |
En | Birds of Britain (colour illustrations) |
illustrated |
En | Morris's British Birds, 1891 |
Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books |
En | Stanford |
En | 21 North Main Glossary of Book Terms (incl. photos) | |
Business |
En | The Maudit Group |
En | Penguin Business Dictionary et alia. Select "business & law". | |
En | Dictionary
of Business, Oxford University Press (et alia) Select "business & law". Select "business & law". |
En | Business
and Law (select "business and law") (Xrefer; many books) (Use " " for exact phrases!) |
En | The washingtonpost.com Business Glossary | |
En / It / De / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire d'Apprentissage du Français des Affaires (DAFA) |
En (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire Commercial | |
Es | Diccionario Contable y Comercial | |
Es (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire Commercial | |
It / En / De / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire d'Apprentissage du Français des Affaires (DAFA) |
It (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire Commercial | |
De / En / It / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire d'Apprentissage du Français des Affaires (DAFA) |
Fr / En / It / De (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire d'Apprentissage du Français des Affaires (DAFA) |
De (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire Commercial | |
Fr (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire Commercial | |
Business Management |
It / En (Def. in It) | Glossario di Economia e Economia Aziendale (Il Bilancio - Strumento di Analisi per la Gestione) (Ateneonline, McGraw-Hill) |
Chat slang |
De | Chat-Slang und Akronyme |
En | Chat-Slang und Akronyme | |
En | Netlingo's Smileys and Emoticons dictionary | |
En | Netlingo's Chat Acronyms and Shorthand | |
Chemical |
De | Chemis-CIVS (Chemi- kalieninformations- system für verbraucher- relevaten Stoffe) |
En | Cleaning products & equipment | |
En | Chemical Acronyms (BioTech) | |
En | Chemical dictionary file (includes: Environmental Mutagen Information Center (EMIC), Environmental Teratology Information Center (ETIC), Genetox, CURE, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), Hazardous Substances Database (HSDB), and CARCIN) | |
En | Chemical Safety Information - Glossary (The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University, England) | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select Select "chemistry") | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "chimie") | |
It | Tavola periodica degli elementi, incl. properties | |
It | Le parole della chimica (Eni.it) | |
De | Rutherford Lexikon der Elemente | |
Cable Technology |
En | The Siemon Company |
En | Cabling directory | |
En | Home Building | |
De | Faberkabel | |
Colours |
Fr | Chroma |
En | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
De | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
Es | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
Fr | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
Cs | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
Hu | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
Comics & cartoons |
En | Ka-boom ( or here) |
Company extensions |
En | Company extensions (worldwide) |
Computer |
illustrated |
En | The Computer Desktop Encyclopedia (incl. illustrations, charts, diagrams) |
illustrated |
En | 3D Dictionary (computer/Internet/technical terms with colorful illustrations) |
En | ZDWebopedia / Webopaedia | |
En | TechWeb | |
En | Hi-Tech Dictionary | |
En | Foldoc Dictionary of
Computing (Foldoc) |
En | IBM Glossary of Computing Terms | |
En | Jargon | |
En | Real-Time Technology | |
En | Glossary of computing terms and other specific glossaries (IBM) | |
En | Personal Computing & the Internet (Peter Collin Publishing) | |
En | Computer jargon explained | |
illustrated |
En (Def. in De) | Microsoft Press (or here) |
En | Microsoft | |
En (Def. in De) | Netlexikon (or here) (with background info) | |
En | Computer memories glossary | |
En | Dictionary of Computers (from Hutchinson Encyclopaedia) | |
En | IBM Hard Disk glossary | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "computer technology") | |
En | Unicode Glossary (alphabet, accent mark, characters) | |
abbreviations |
En | Acronyms (CH) |
abbreviations |
En (some De) | Acronyms (Berlin) |
abbreviations |
En | BABEL: A Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms by Irving & Richard Kind (or here) |
abbreviations |
En (some De) | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "informatique") | |
Fr (some En) | Computer glossary | |
It | Corsi Euroframe | |
illustrated |
De | Microsoft Press (or here) |
De | Netlexikon (or here) (with background info) | |
De | Computerlexikon | |
abbreviations |
De (many En) | Computer acronyms |
Computer Viruses |
En | Computer virus (McAfee) |
En | Computer viruses (Antivirus.com) virus, description, place of origin, etc. | |
En | Virus & Antivirus (Mary Landesman) (short list) | |
En | Computer Associates | |
Construction |
En | Burglar & Fire Alarm |
En | National Institute of Home Builders | |
En | Building glossary | |
illustrated |
En | Illustrated construction glossary (US Inspect) |
En | Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology (ore here, browsable) (no definitions) | |
De | Bauen.com | |
illustrated |
De | Bau-Markt-Lexikon |
illustrated |
De | Baunetz |
It | Lessico dell'edilizia (Progetto.ch) | |
Copyright |
En | Shieldkret |
Corrosion |
En | Corrosionsource.com |
Cryptography |
En | Terry Ritter's Crypto Glossary and Dictionary of Technical Cryptography |
Currencies |
Data security |
En | Glossary of Messaging and Security Terms (SSI Service Strategies) |
En | Digicert Certification Practice Statement (Glossary at end of page) | |
En | Lynn Wheeler's Security Glossary | |
En | The Information Security Glossary | |
Dental (dentist, teeth) |
illustrated |
De | Illustriertes Zahnlexikon |
illustrated |
En | Dictionary of Dental Terms |
Derivatives |
En | Appliederivatives |
En | Derivatives Dictionary | |
En | Derivatives | |
En | Derivative Glossary | |
En | Derivatives | |
De | Heimwerker-Lexikon (Selbst.de) (or here) Click on Lexikon |
illustrated |
De | Technik-Lexikon (Selbst.de) (or here) Click on Lexikon |
Earth Sciences |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "Earth Sciences") |
En | Glossary of Ozone Related Terms (NASA) (or here) | |
It | Le parole del mare (Eni.it) | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "sciences de la Terre") | |
ECommerce |
De | ECommerce-Lexikon |
Economics |
En | Penguin Dictionary of Economics et alia. Select "business & law". |
En | Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) | |
En | Encyclopedia of the New Economy | |
De | Die Wirtschaft Verstehen (Eichborn) | |
It | Dizionario economico - Simone (or here) | |
It | Il Sole 24 ore | |
Sp | Laenciclopedia - Diccionario de Economía | |
Education |
Many (Def. in En) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 1: Examinations, Qualifications and Titles (Eurydice, The
Information Network on Education in Europe) Terms in many languages explained in English (or here) |
Many (Def. in De) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 1: Examinations, Qualifications and Titles (Eurydice, The
Information Network on Education in Europe) Terms in many languages explained in German |
Many (Def. in Fr) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 1: Examinations, Qualifications and Titles (Eurydice, The
Information Network on Education in Europe) Terms in many languages explained in French |
Many (Def. in En) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 2: Educational Institutions (Eurydice, The Information Network on
Education in Europe) ![]() (pdf files, about 150 pages). This link allows you to navigate (navigation bar on left). Or else you can play around with the URL, changing language of the page (e.g. /en/) and file name (e.g. g.pdf) (g=first letter of terms defined) at the end. |
Many (Def. in De) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 2: Educational Institutions (Eurydice, The Information Network on
Education in Europe) ![]() (pdf files, about 150 pages). This link allows you to navigate (navigation bar on left). Or else you can play around with the URL, changing language of the page (e.g. /en/) and file name (e.g. g.pdf) (g=first letter of terms defined) at the end. |
Many (Def. in Fr) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 2: Educational Institutions (Eurydice, The Information Network on
Education in Europe) ![]() (pdf files, about 150 pages). This link allows you to navigate (navigation bar on left). Or else you can play around with the URL, changing language of the page (e.g. /en/) and file name (e.g. g.pdf) (g=first letter of terms defined) at the end. |
Many | Eurybase (Eurydice,
The Information Network on Education in Europe) Click on a country in either language (the language you select at this point will be the language of the glossary definitions) then on Glossary. |
Many | European Education Thesaurus
(EET) ![]() Downloadable multilingual lists (click on Download Area) Translation of terms in main European languages |
En | Euroeducation | |
En | Higher Education Systems (Unesco) (downloadable rtf files with descriptions of higher education systems most countries, with translations of degrees, entities, etc.) | |
Electrical Engineering |
En | NU |
En | Jefferson Electric (basic definitions) | |
En | Capacitors (incl. quite a bit of reference material) | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "électricité - électronique") | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "électricité - électronique") | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "electromagnetism") |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "électromagnétisme") | |
Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) |
En | eCompany |
En | Novoforum | |
En | MI e-commerce glossary | |
Electronic Data Processing (EDP) |
It (some En) (Def. in It) | Infoland Srl (data security, rilevazione dati e controllo presenze del personale, Smart cards) |
abbreviations |
En | VERA (VERA, English interface) (Verzeichnis EDV-Relevanter Akronyme) (or here, here) |
De | EDV-Lexikon (or here) | |
abbreviations |
De | VERA (VERA, English interface) (Verzeichnis EDV-Relevanter Akronyme) (or here, here) |
De | EDV-Abkürzungen | |
Electronics |
En | Futronix |
En | Intersil (Semiconductors) | |
En | Sematech | |
En | Electronics (Ensil) | |
En | Electronics (by Twisted Pair) | |
En | SMT Handbook (Samtec) | |
En | Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "electricity - electronics") | |
En (Def. in Es) | Algode (or here) | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "électricité - électronique") | |
De | Weidmueller (connectors etc.) (Click on "Lexikon") | |
De | Provertha Steckverbinder-Lexikon | |
abbreviations |
En | Abbreviations |
Electrotechnical |
En | International
Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database NOTE: only some of the terms are defined; essentially it is a Fr / De / En dictionary |
Fr | International
Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database NOTE: only some of the terms are defined; essentially it is a Fr / De / En dictionary |
De (Def. in En / Fr) | International
Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database NOTE: only some of the terms are defined; essentially it is a Fr / De / En dictionary |
Energy |
En | Consumer Energy |
En | Comsumer Energy Center (California Energy Commission) | |
En | California Energy Commission | |
En | Electro Industries, Inc. | |
En | Power Engineering Dictionary | |
It | Le parole dell'energia (Eni.it) | |
Environment |
It | Le parole dell'ambiente (Eni.it) |
Elevator Technology |
En | Bldservices.com (short) |
En | Otis | |
En | Access Elevator Company | |
En | Elevator Safety Orders - Definitions | |
European Union |
Da De En El Es Fr It Nl Pt Fi Sv | European Union (Institution, policies & enlargement of EU) |
Da De En El Es Fr It Nl Pt Fi Sv | Eurovoc
Thesaurus of EU vocabulary ![]() |
En | A Concise Encyclopaedia of the European Union (European Union, monetary union, politics, foreign policy, EU) | |
It | Dizionario dell'Unione Europea - Simone (or here) | |
Fasteners |
illustrated |
En | Nuts and bolts (Des Moines) Also: guides to nuts, bolts, washers, retainer rings etc. |
illustrated |
En | Nuts and bolts (very few illustrations) |
illustrated |
En (& De) | Reisser Schraubtechnik |
illustrated |
En | JIS Fasteners Library Catalog (bolts, screws, nuts, washers, pins, studs, rivets) |
illustrated |
En | SNL JIT Stock List Index (bolts, nuts, screws, pins, rivets, washers, sockets) |
illustrated |
En | Alba Bolt & Prime Fasteners (screws, bolts, nuts and much more) |
illustrated |
En | Allmetal Screw Products corp (ore here, here) (screws, bolts, washers, nuts) |
illustrated |
En | mid-states bolt and screw - Catalog Page (bolts, screws, fastener products) |
illustrated |
En | Dmbolt - Glossary of terms (illustrations) (retainer rings, bolts nuts, washers, ) |
illustrated |
En | Obex bolts, screws, nuts, washers (click on corresponding section) |
illustrated |
En | Nutty - Fastener catalog index (nuts, bolts, screws, washers, pins, rivets, drills, taps, tools) |
illustrated |
En | Harrison & Bonini (bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, anchors, washers) |
illustrated |
En | Micro Fasterners (screws, nuts, washers) (small & basic) |
illustrated |
En | Industrial Nut Corp (nuts, locknuts) |
illustrated |
En | Ondrives (screws, nuts, spacers, plugs, washers, bearings) |
illustrated |
De (& En) | Reisser Schraubtechnik |
File Extensions |
En | Saugus.net - Glossary of Filename Extensions |
En | FILExt.com | |
En | ExtSearch | |
Film |
En | IMDb Film Glossary |
En | Glossary of Shooting and Editing Terms | |
En | Glossary of Technical Terms (TV cameramen equipment) | |
En | Glossary of Film Terms (Joel Schlemowitz) | |
Finance |
En | Barkley |
En | Finance Glossary | |
En | Banking and Stock Glossary (Deutsche Bank) | |
En | Futures and Options (Centre for Futures Education) | |
En | Penguin
International Dictionary of Finance at alia. Select "business & law". |
En | Financial Encyclopaedia (or here) | |
En | Investor words | |
En | Investopedia (incl. acronyms) | |
En | CompassWebBrokerage Investment glossary | |
En | Investment funds (UBS Warburg) | |
En | Investment funds (UBS) | |
En | Campbell R. Harvey's Finance Glossary | |
En | *Yahoo finance | |
En | Lynn Wheeler's Financial Glossary (large) | |
En | Roughneck's Financial Glossary | |
En | Money World | |
En | Ventureline | |
En | Nordby International | |
En | Moneywords | |
En | Financial Risk Management (International Financial Risk Institute, CH)
![]() |
En (few De) | Sharetipster (Investment) | |
En | Sharetipster (Investment) | |
En | Speculation glossary | |
En | Nasdaq Stock Market Glossary | |
En (& Fr) | Glossary of Canada's Department of Finance | |
En (& Fr, De, Nl) | Campbell
R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary A parallel glossary is also available in French, German and Dutch) |
En (Def. in It) transl. in It. |
Glossario di linguaggio finanziario
(Fin.Eco Investimenti) (if you experience problems viewing other letters, postion mouse
over "Italiano" or "Inglese", press CTRL then left-click on the
required letter) Use the website's own search engine to locate keywords in the glossary! |
De / Fr / It (Def. in De / Fr / It) | Zurich (areas: azioni,
derivati, fondo d'investimento, investire, mercati, obbligazioni, opzioni, scambi /
Aktien, Anlagefonds, Anlegen, Derivate, Handel, Märkte, Obligationen, Optionen / actions,
dérivés, fonds de placement, investir, marchés, négoce, obligations, options) Search by keyword, subject area or letter. |
abbreviations |
En | Financial abbreviations (Bank of England) |
De | Bank und Börsenlexikon (Deutsche Bank) | |
De | Commerzbank Finanzlexikon | |
De | Börsenlexikon | |
De | Börsenlexikon (stock market) | |
De | Investment funds (UBS) | |
De | Investment funds (Deutscher Finanzmarkt) | |
De | Seefelder | |
De | Börsenlexikon | |
De | Gründer-Service: Geld & Finanzen, Cash-ABC | |
It | Dizionario di Contabilità e Finanza - Simone (or here) | |
It | Dizionario dell'euro - Simone (or here) | |
It (transl. in En) |
Glossario di linguaggio finanziario
(Fin.Eco Investimenti) (if you experience problems viewing other letters, postion mouse
over "Italiano" or "Inglese", press CTRL then left-click on the
required letter) Use the website's own search engine to locate keywords in the glossary! |
It | Investment funds (UBS) | |
It | Il Glossario Finanziario
(Axiaonline) Some Translations of En terms into It |
It (some En) | Glossario del risparmio gestito (or here: Click on Education then Glossario) | |
It | Glossario (or here) (Caboto Securities) | |
It | Glossario dei Mercati Mobiliari (financial markets, stocks and shares) | |
Fr | Investment funds (UBS) | |
Fr (& En) | Glossary of Canada's Department of Finance | |
Es | La Caja De Canarias | |
Fish |
En | Salmon Farming Glossary |
illustrated |
En | FishBase (common/scientific names and lots more) lots of info |
En | Gorton's fish terms | |
Food |
En | Foodsubs (cooking encyclopedia: ingredients, kitchen tools; inlc. pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations & suggested substitutions. |
En | Onecook (ingredients, cooking) | |
illustrated |
En & more lang. | Encyclopedia of Spices |
En | Glossary of Spices | |
De | Lebensmittellexikon | |
De | Food additives (Sabona) | |
De | Bionorm | |
De | Vegan | |
Fungi |
En | Mykoweb |
Gas |
It | Mitica.it |
Geography |
De | StAGN (Ständiger
Ausschuss für geographische Namen = Permanent committee for geographic names): List of state names, their abbreviations, relating adjectives and designation of their inhabitants |
Geology |
En | Geologylink geologic glossary |
Glass |
En | Vetrotexasiapacific (glass and plastics) |
Grains |
Grammar |
En | Glossary of Grammatical Terms |
Hackers |
En | New Hackers' Dictionary |
En | Hacking dictionary | |
Heating |
En | Federal Energy Management Program Heating glossary |
History |
De | Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (encyclopaedic) |
Fr | Dictionnaire Historique de la Suisse (encyclopaedic) | |
It | Dizionario Storico della Svizzera (encyclopaedic) | |
Human Resources |
En | OSL Ltd. (wages, contingency plan, management by objectives, human resources) |
Information Technology |
En | ANSDAT (American National Standard Dictionary of Information Technology) |
En | Whatis.com (IT, extensive definitions; computers, software, hardware, wireless) | |
En | Pcwebopaedia | |
En | Agathering | |
En | Acronyms | |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Acrodict (enter your term in the box at the bottom of the page) | |
De | IT-Begriffsdatenbank (GES IT-Training) | |
De | Begriffe aus der Welt der Netz (Deutsche Telekom) | |
It | Dizionario
Informatica ![]() |
It | Corsi Euroframe | |
It | Le parole dell'inform@tica (Eni.it) | |
It | Glossario informatico (Supereva) | |
Fr | Linux | |
Fr | Commission ministérielle de terminologie informatique | |
Fr (some En) | Dicofr | |
Fr | Atmedica | |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | Acrodict (enter your term in the box at the bottom of the page) | |
Es | Que-es (whatis) | |
Es (some En) Def. in Es | Tectimes | |
abbreviations |
De | Zaphod |
It (def. in It) | Rita | |
Insurance |
En | Insweb |
En | Insurance
Basics (Pivot) ![]() |
En | Winterthur | |
En | Lewis Chester Group (LCG) | |
En | Insure.com | |
En | Insurexchange.com | |
En | Swiss Life | |
It | www.cdo.it | |
It | Assicurarsi | |
It | RAS | |
It | Swiss Life (or here) | |
It | 6sicuro | |
De | Swiss Life (or here) | |
De | Winterthur | |
De | Deutscherring | |
De | ABC der Lebensversicherung | |
De | ABC der Lebensversicherung (Switzerland) | |
De | Expertisa.ch | |
Fr | Swiss Life (or here) | |
Intellectual Property |
Internet |
En | Netlingo's internet dictionary (or here) |
En | Ask Peg (simple English) | |
En | Learnthenet | |
En | Matisse Enzer | |
En | Glossary of Internet & Web Jargon | |
De | Commando | |
De | Internent Glossar (Tigerweb) | |
De | Learnthenet | |
De | InterLexikon | |
De | Internet Glossar (H. R. Hansen) | |
Fr | Learnthenet | |
It (some En) | Cliccalavoro | |
It | Gergo telematico | |
En | ISP Glossary (www.internet.com) |
Labour |
En | Glossary of
terms related to International Labour Standards |
Fr | Glossary of
terms related to International Labour Standards |
Es | Glossary of
terms related to International Labour Standards |
Landscaping |
En | Landscapeusa (house, garden, garden tools, greenhouse etc. Go to gardening library for plant encyclopedia) |
En | Gardenweb | |
Law (legal) |
En | Online Dictionary of Law from Peter Collin Publishing |
En | Oran's Dictionary of the Law (or here) | |
En | Meriam Webster Law Dictionary | |
En | Findlaw (or here, here, here) | |
En | Real Life Dictionary of The Law (Law.com) | |
En | Loyd Duhaime | |
En | Business
and Law (select "business and law") (Xrefer; many books) (Use " " for exact phrases!) |
En | MyCounsel.com's legal dictionary | |
En | Dictionary of Law, Oxford University Press (et alia) Select "business & law". | |
En | Everybody's Legal Dictionary (or here) (plain English) | |
En | Fifth Judicial District Courts | |
En | Lectric Law Library (Lectlaw) | |
En | Insweb (CA) | |
En | legalese | |
En | Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1856 edition) (or here) | |
En | August1.com International Law Dictionary and Directory | |
En | Legal Explorer (State Bar of Wisconsin) | |
En | Glossary of Legal Terminology Civil Law (Bailey-Law) | |
En | Lexicon for Law, Business and IT (LegaMedia) | |
De | ARD-Ratgeber Recht
Rechtswörterbuch ![]() |
De | Juristische Schlagworte (or here) (digitale informationssysteme - Lexikon des Rechts) | |
De | Ratgeber Recht | |
De | Deutschen Rechtswörterbuchs (DRW) (main page) | |
De | Juracafé (legal terms for the layperson) | |
De | Kleines Rechtslexikon zur Entscheidungssammlung | |
De | Lexicon for Law, Business and IT (LegaMedia) | |
abbreviations |
De | Abkürzungen deutscher Gesetzesnamen |
abbreviations |
De | Gesetzes- und Gerichtsabkürzungen (or here) (digitale informationssysteme - Lexikon des Rechts) |
abbreviations |
De | Juristische Abkürzungen (or here) (digitale informationssysteme - Lexikon des Rechts) |
abbreviations |
De | Abkürzungen der Juristen |
abbreviations |
De | Abkürzungen aus der Rechtssprache (and "eisenbahnspezifische Abkürzungen" and general abbreviations) |
abbreviations |
De | Abkürzungen der deutschen Rechtssprache |
abbreviations |
De | Zeitschriftenabkürzungen (or here) (digitale informationssysteme - Lexikon des Rechts) |
It | Dizionario Giuridico - Simone (or here) | |
It | Dizionario Giuridico Romano - Simone (or here) | |
It | Dizionario Storico del Diritto Italiano e Europeo - Simone (or here) | |
Fr | Lexicon for Law, Business and IT (LegaMedia) | |
Fr (some It; Def. in It) | Dictionnaire du Droit Privé français - Version italienne | |
Fr | Dictionnaire du droit privé (search engine) | |
Fr | Le vocabulaire de l'arbitrage (arbitration, dispute resolution) | |
Es | Laenciclopedia - Diccionario Jurídico | |
En | Findlaw - Library search (sample contracts etc.) |
Leather |
Es | Glosario del cuero (Cueronet) |
Life Science |
Light |
En | Osram |
En | Schorsch industrial lighting systems glossary | |
En | Vincent Lighting | |
De | Osram | |
It | Osram | |
Linguistics |
De | Textlinguistik-Glossar |
De |
www.canoo.net - glossary of linguistic terms. Also: many resources for the German language including inflection (declension and conjugation), word formation (compounding, word formation with prefixes and suffixes) and German spelling reform. |
Logistics |
En | Distribution Magazine |
En | Logisticsworld | |
En | Logistics and vehicle managament | |
En | Cahners | |
En | Logistics (SeaLand BPI) | |
En | Material Handling | |
En | InventoryOps | |
abbreviations |
En | Acronyms (Tibbet & Britten) |
De | Logistik Glossar | |
Management |
It (some En) | SIMET (here) |
Management and Technology |
En | Dictionary of Management and Technology (or here) |
Marketing |
En | Quirks marketing research |
En | Martketingmonthly | |
En | Glossary of Marketing Research Terms | |
En | Branding and packaging glossary (short list) | |
En | Interactive
Advertising Glossary (Internet Advertising Bureau) ![]() |
Materials Science and Engineering |
En | Lehigh |
En | AZoM- The A to Z of Materials | |
En | Materials Database
and Search Engine (over 20,000 materials including metals, plastics, ceramics, and
composites; lists technical properties) Also: conversion tool; link to companies that sell the materials. |
En | Matter (The University of Liverpool) | |
Materials testing |
En | Instron |
Mathematics |
En | Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics |
Mechanical Engineering |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "mechanics") |
En | Precision Measurement | |
En | Interactive Math Glossary | |
illustrated |
En | Gears |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "mécanique") | |
Medical |
En | MedicineNet / MedicineNet (Medterms; encyclopaedia with a fair amount of reference text) |
En | Concise Medical Dictionary, Oxford University Press (et alia). Select "health". | |
En | The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine | |
En | MPIP | |
En | Medical prefixes, roots & suffixes | |
En | Intelihealth | |
En | Lycos WebMD | |
En | Graylab (or here) | |
En | Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body (1,247 illustrations) | |
En | Webster's Medical Dictionary (or here) | |
En | WebMD | |
En | Medical Dictionary Search Engines (Searches through the most popular search engines such as DrugBase, DrKoop, MSN Health, Health Finder etc.) | |
En | Matria | |
En | Allergy glossary | |
En | Diabetes Dictionary | |
En | A Virtual Pocket Dictionary of Pain Terms | |
abbreviations |
En | Pharmaceutical lexicon (Pharma-lexikon) (terms, acronyms & abbreviations) |
En | Dr Koop Medical Encyclopedia (extensive definitions and reference material) | |
En | Atmedica | |
En | Medscape (research medical subjects / search the dictionaries and published medical texts) | |
illustrated |
En | Brain Explorer Glossary (or here) |
illustrated |
En | Merck Manual of Medical Information (videos, animations, audio clips, photos) |
abbreviations |
En | Virtual Hospital |
abbreviations |
En | Abbreviations & assistance |
En | Directory of medical eponyms (i.e. conditions named after people) 5500 eponyms | |
Fr | Atmedica | |
Fr | Canadian medical encyclopaedia | |
Fr | Doctissimo - Glossary | |
Fr | Doctissimo - Encyclopaedia / Analyses | |
De | Duden Medizin | |
De | Cevis (keywords: anatomy). Links to a DE>DE glossary of medical foreign words and DE>MULTI and EN>MULTI glossaries and lists of medical terms. | |
De | Uni Erlangen | |
De | Lexikon zu Tropenkrankheiten: | |
It | Dizionario Enciclopedico ZANICHELLI di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche e di Biotecnologie «Italiano-Inglese» «Inglese-Italiano» (definitions in Italian) | |
abbreviations |
De | Medizinische Abkürzungen |
It | Benessere a sapersi - Glossario sulla salute (Corriere della Sera) | |
En | List of Medical dicitonaries & glossaries | |
En | MANY MORE - some illustrated | |
En | MANY MORE | |
(pictorial dictionaries) |
En | Adam Medical Encyclopaedia (Medline) (illustrated & links to other
web resources - Select: Disease Injury Nutrition Poison Special Surgery Symptoms) For reference material, go to: http://medlineplus.gov/ |
En | Anatomy of the Human Body ![]() |
En | Pharmacological (incl. illustrations & links to articles) | |
Fr | Doctissimo - Atlas of the human body | |
Metallurgy |
De | Stahllexikon (or here) | |
De | SteelScreen Metall-Glossar (Click on Branchenforum, then on Metall-Glossar) | |
De | Droesser (or here) | |
De | Hofmannmetallbau | |
De | Aluminium glossary (keyword: aluminum) | |
En | Steelmill.com | |
En | Principal Metals | |
En | Weirton.com | |
En | Aluminium, brass, copper, steel | |
En | Steel works (American Iron and Steel Institute) | |
En | Steel industry terms (Metal Strategies) | |
En | Alcoa Aluminum glossary | |
En | Glossary of Steel Terms (short) (Industry Canada) | |
En | Glossary of Steel Terms (Nass) | |
En | SteelScreen Metals Glossary (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
En (Fr glos. also) | Glossary of steel terms - Strategis | |
En | Aluminium glossary (keyword: aluminum) | |
Es | SteelScreen Glosario de la Metalurgia (Click on Foro del Ramo, then on Glosario) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Fr | SteelScreen Glossaire des Métaux (Click on Forum, then on Glossaire) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Fr | Aluminium glossary (keyword: aluminum) | |
Fr (En glos. also) | Termes de l'acier - Strategis | |
Fi | TESTAA TIETOSI METALLISANASTON AVULLA (Click on Metallifoorumi then on Glossaire) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
illustrated |
It | Dalmine Glossario dell'acciaio (or here) |
It | SteelScreen Glossario Metalli (Click on Foro Settoriale, then on Glossario Metalli) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Po | Glosariusz Metali (Click on Forum Branzowe, then on Glosariusz Metali) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Ru | SteelScreen Metall-Glossar (Click on Language to select language, then on Industry Forum, then on Metal Glossary) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Sv | Metallordlista (Click on Branschforum, then on Metallordlista) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Tk | METAL SÖZLÜGÜ (Click on Sektör Forumu, then on METAL SÖZLÜGÜ) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Mineralogy |
En | Natural Stone Worldwide (Klaus Börner, Detlev Hill, Abraxas Verlag; Description, origin, supplier: more info and pictures available on CD-ROM) |
De | Natural Stone Worldwide (Klaus Börner, Detlev Hill, Abraxas Verlag; Description, origin, supplier: more info and pictures available on CD-ROM) | |
De | Kleines Lexikon der Mineralogie, Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz | |
Mobile telephones |
En | Nokia phones glossary |
En | Panasonic mobile phones glossary | |
Music |
En | Allmusic (browse or search) |
En | Xrefer
(select "music"; many books) (Use " " for exact phrases!) |
En | Music Glossary (Virginia Tech New Media Centre) | |
De | Musikverein Sulzbach | |
De | Music Glossary - Vokalensemble Luzern | |
It | Glossario musicale (Attikmusic) | |
Mythology & legend |
En | Encyclopedia of Mythology and Legend (keywords: gods, heroes, myths, legends, monsters, creatures, fables, tales, religion, battles, stories, heros, kings, princes, queens, demons, devils, lore, mythology, creation myths, epics, legend, folk tales, fairy tales, children, educational, history) |
Nature |
illustrated |
En | Nature Picture Library (animals etc. BBC Natural History Unit Picture Library collection and BBCwild) |
Occupational titles |
En | DOT |
En | DOT | |
Oil & gas industry |
illustrated |
En | Schlumberger Oilfield glossary |
En | Croklaan (edible oil processing & production of speciality oils) | |
En | Oil Analysis and Lubrication Dictionary (or here) | |
Optics |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Select "optics") |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "optique") | |
It | Piccolo dizionario oculistico (1 page, illustrated) (keywords: eyes, optician) | |
Packaging, Shipping and Transporta-
En | Star Case Glossary of Casing and Packaging |
En | YCS | |
En | United Shipping | |
Paint |
illustrated |
It | Glossario Vernici (or here) (347 terms, some illustrations) |
Pension Fund |
De | Rentenlexikon |
Performance |
En | Alliance for Redesigning Government |
Plants |
En | Encyclopedia of Plants |
En | Dictionary of Plants (from Hutchinson Encyclopaedia) | |
En | Plants Hortiplex | |
En | Gardenweb glossary | |
En | Plants Database | |
Plastics |
En | Ohio State Plant Listing (incl. photographs) |
En | Vetrotexasiapacific (glass and plastics) | |
En | Kreysler & Associates (plastics, fiber-reinforced plastics, thermoplastics, reinforcement,molding, composite) | |
Politics |
It | Dizionario della filosofia politica - Simone (or here) |
Postal services |
En | United Stated Postal Service
glossary of postal terms keywords: post office, mail, mailing |
Printed Circuit Design |
En | Vutrax.co.uk |
En | Cirgraph | |
En | Glossary of Printed Circuit Design and Manufacturing (printed circuit boards, PCBs) | |
Prosthetics |
En | Glossary of prosthetics & orthotics terms |
Pumps |
illustrated |
En | The Internet Glossary of Pumps (some animated) (Animated Software Company) |
Purchasing |
Quality Manage-
En | David Butler |
En | Quality Glossary (1stNclass) | |
En | Strategic Business Process Reengineering Glossary | |
En | Alliance for Redesigning Government | |
En | Quality (SeaLand BPI) | |
It | Analysis srl | |
Real Estate |
De | Immo-lexikon (or here) |
De | Immobilien Fachwissen (Baugenos) | |
En | Realtor | |
En | Glossary of Real Estate Terms (Realpro) | |
En | Real estate / mortgage glossary of terms (Thornton Mortgage) | |
It | Dizionario del condominio - Simone (or here) | |
Reinsurance |
En | Swiss Re |
En | Cologne Re | |
En | Reinsurance Glossary (ACLI Reinsurance Committee, CSLIC (Central Security Life) Insurance Company). | |
Religion |
It | Dizionario della Religione Cattolica - Simone (or here) |
Research and Development |
En | Cordis
(EU R&D acronyms) ![]() |
Risk Assessment |
Roofing |
En | Roofing glossary (also has a Photo Glossary for you to browser through photographs of common roofing sites and problems) |
En | GSM Roofing | |
Safety |
En | Chemical Safety Information - Glossary (The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University, England) |
It | Salute e Sicurezza nei Luoghi di Lavoro | |
En | SAP Definitions of terminology used in the SAP System (or here, here) |
En | SAP | |
En | SAP (Sapinfo) (or here) (Click on "glossary", then again "glossary" or "SAP terminology") | |
En | *SAP (Sapfans) | |
En | *SAP (Brabandt) | |
En | SAP DB (Sap) | |
En | SAP (Popey) | |
De | SAP (or here, here, here) | |
De | SAP (Uni Heidelberg) | |
Science and Technology |
En | Harcourt Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology |
En | Dictionary of Science, Oxford University Press (et alia). Select "health". | |
En | The
Scientific World ![]() |
abbreviations |
En | Scientific and technical acronyms, symbols and abbreviations |
Search Engines |
En | Search Terms Glossary |
En | Search Engine Terms (or here) (Keith Bramich) | |
En | Search Engine Glossary (Search Engine World) | |
En | Search Engine Glossary (Search Engine World) (rather short) | |
De (En with some De) | Glossar der Fachbegriffe bezüglich Internet Suchmaschinen | |
Fr (some En) | ||
It | Glossario dei termini relativi ai motori di ricerca | |
Nl | Search Terms | |
Es | Search Terms | |
Soldering & Welding |
En | Soldering and fume extraction definitions (PCBs) (or here) |
En | Welding, soldering (Machinist.org) | |
En | Welding Definitions (Pipingnews) As defined in the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology "Pocket Welding Guide", 26th edition | |
En | Seho Soldering Dictionary | |
En | Metal Technologies (metal casting, sand casting, moulding) | |
En | Electron iron casting glossary (Electron Corporation): metal casting, iron casting, foundries | |
En | Copper Data Centre thesaurus of terms (electroerosion) | |
De | Seho Lötlexikon | |
Sounds |
En | FindSounds (listen to .wav files!) |
En | Acoustic Innovations - Glossary | |
Statistics |
En | SurfStat Glossary of Statistics |
En | Statistics Glossary (StatSoft) | |
En | Statistics Glossary (Easton & McColl) | |
En | Peter B. Meyer's Glossary of Research Economics Terms | |
En | The Internet Glossary of Statistical Terms (The Animated Software Company) | |
En | Animated Software glossary of statistical terms | |
En | Statistics | |
En | Okstate statistical terms | |
It | Glossario di Termini Statistici Generali | |
Stock Market |
De | Citibank Börsenlexikon |
De | Fonds (Select "LVM-Fonds-Familie", "Lexikon & FAQs", "Fonds-ABC") | |
Börsen-Wörterbuch Die wichtigsten Grundbegriffe für Anleger |
De | Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology | |
De | Börsenlexikon (Hotinvestor) | |
De | Börsen ABC (letters A-F) (letters G-M) | |
De | Börsenlexikon - Stock dictionary and glossary | |
De | Börsebegriffe (Wienerbörse) | |
De | Börsenglossar | |
En | Roughneck's Stock Market Glossary | |
En (Def. in De) | Börsen ABC (letters A-F) (letters G-M) | |
En | Stock dictionary and glossary | |
En | Glossary of stock investing terms | |
It | Glossario della Borsa (Borsaitalia) | |
It | Le parole della Borsa (Eni.it) | |
Es | Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology | |
Pt | Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology | |
Symbols |
En | Symbols.com (symbols, ideograms, pictograms) "The world's largest online encyclopedia of graphic symbols" with meanings, use and history. Search online by word or image or download the encyclopedia for free. |
abbreviations |
En | Scientific and technical acronyms, symbols and abbreviations |
Taxation (fiscal) |
En (Def. in De) | US tax glossary (Pinkernell) |
En | Stawrs | |
De | Steuernetz (German tax law) | |
De | US tax glossary (Pinkernell) | |
En | Whatis.com (extensive definitions) |
En | Lucent Technologies Glossary | |
En | Federal
Standard 1037 C (or here, here) ![]() |
En | Glossary of New Technologies | |
En | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "telecommunications") | |
En | Satellite & Communications (Quantrum Prime Communications, LLC, Stafford, Virginia, USA) | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "télécommunications") | |
De | Telekommunikations-Glossar (Birgit Kremer/Stefan Münz) |
De (some En) | Telekom-Glossar (or here) (keyword: Telekommunikation) | |
De | Glossar Telekommunikation (11 terms) |
abbreviations |
En | Abbreviations (Federal Standard 1037 C) |
Es | Que-es (whatis) | |
Es | Diccionario de Acrónimos, siglas y términos utilizados en Telefónica Investigación y Desarollo (or here) (slow loading) | |
Textiles |
En | BTTG (textiles/fibres) |
illustrated |
It | Moda Online |
Tools |
illustrated |
En | Homestore.com |
illustrated |
En | Illustrated tool glossary |
illustrated |
En | Illustrated tool dictionary (or here) |
It | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Tools | |
Trade (Inter-
En | Empire State |
En | Worldtradepress.com | |
En | Incoterms | |
En | Incoterms (Transports.it) | |
En | ||
En | Trade Compass | |
It | Glossario (IntesaTrade) (Def. in It and translations in En) | |
Trademarks |
En | Shieldkret |
Train |
abbreviations |
De | Eisenbahnspezifische Abkürzungen (and legal & general abbreviations) |
Translation & Interpreting |
En | Glossary about Translation and Interpretation |
Transportation |
En | Glossary of Transportation Terms & Acronyms (Texas Department of Transportation) |
En | Dictionary of transport terms (incl. Incoterms) (Transports.it) | |
En | International Trade & Transportation Glossary (Incoterms) (Transports.it) | |
Typography |
De | Colordruck dictionary of printing terms |
De | Werner Verlag Typographie-Lexikon | |
De / En (Def. in De) | Dictionary of typographical, computer, bookbinding & printing terms (approx. 600 entries, some illustrations) | |
Units of Measurement |
En | Unit converter |
En | Conversion Factors | |
En | Dictionary of Units of Measurement | |
En | Convert-Me | |
De | SI Einheiten (incl. prefixes) | |
It | Unità di misura (Transports.it) (incl. conversions) | |
Viscosity |
En | Oil Analysis and Lubrication Dictionary (or here) |
Watches & Watchmaking |
En | BJS Online |
illustrated |
En | Illustrated glossary of watch parts (Timezone) |
En | Bestwatch4U | |
Fr | About-Translations | |
Fr | W3chrono | |
Fr | Timeuhren | |
Fr | Worldtempus | |
Water |
En | Water Words |
En | Lenntech Water Glossary | |
De | Lenntech Water Glossary | |
Fr | Lenntech Water Glossary | |
Sp | Lenntech Water Glossary | |
Dut | Lenntech Water Glossary | |
Waterproofing |
En | Glossary for waterproofing terminology |
Wine |
En | Wine terminology |
En | Giles Watson's wine glossary | |
Wood |
illustrated |
It | Dizionario di Legno (or here, here) |
It | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Woods | |
illustrated |
De / Fr / En (UK / US) / It | Holzglossar (incl. local names in various countries & languages) |
OTHER terminology sites |
En | Canton Elevator Inc. |
Elevator terminology |
En | Adams Elevator Equipment |
ABBREVIATIONS used on this page | |
Bas = Basque Cat = Catalan Dan = Danish De = German Def = Definitions Dut = Dutch En = English Et = Estonian Fin = Finnish Fr = French Gr = Greek Ir = Irish It = Italian Jp = Japanese Lat = Latin Pt = Portuguese Ro = Romanian Rus = Russian Sp = Spanish Swe = Swedish Tk = Turkish Zh = Chinese |
En / It = both versions (En-It and It-En), with either
full-text searching or a dictionary version to be selected prior to searching En-It = only that particular version |
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