Miscellaneous |
En | Harcourt Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology (125 topics) |
En | McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Science and Technology | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select a field: computer science, mathematics, biochemistry - biology, electromagnetism, chemistry, mechanics, optics, atomic and sub atomic physics, thermodynamics, astronomy, Earth Sciences, electricity - electronics, engineering, computer technology, telecommunications) | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select a field: computer science, mathematics, biochemistry - biology, electromagnetism, chemistry, mechanics, optics, atomic and sub atomic physics, thermodynamics, astronomy, Earth Sciences, electricity - electronics, engineering, computer technology, telecommunications) | |
En / Fr (Def. in En / Fr.) | Grand Dictionnaire (Québec govt., Canada) | |
En | Xrefer (search all books or select a specific book; Use " " for exact phrases!) | |
En / Fr / De / Es (Def. in Fr) | CILF | |
En / Fr / Es (Def. in En / Fr / Es) | Termium (Canada) | |
Many | Onelook (Searches 589 dictionaries at once) - Select "definitions" | |
En | RS Catalogue (ore here) Register FREE. | |
It | RS Catalogue Register FREE. | |
De | RS Catalogue (Germany) / RS Catalogue (Austria) Register FREE. |
De | Wissenschaft Online
(register for free) Physics, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, medicine, optics, psychology etc. |
De / En / Fr / Es (Def. in Fr) | CILF | |
Fr / En (Def. in En / Fr.) | Grand Dictionnaire (Québec govt., Canada) | |
Fr / En / Es (Def. in En / Fr / Es) | Termium (Canada) | |
Fr / En / De / Es (Def. in Fr) | CILF | |
Es / En / De / Fr (Def. in Fr) | CILF | |
Es / En / Fr (Def. in En / Fr / Es) | Termium (Canada) | |
MANY | RS Catalogue (industrial equipment) Register FREE. (Select a country) |
Accounting |
En | AFIS |
En | Dictionary of Accounting, Oxford University Press (et alia) Select "business & law". | |
En | Roughneck's Accounting Glossary | |
It | Dizionario di Contabilità e Finanza - Simone (or here) | |
It / En (Def. in It) | McGraw Hill - Il bilancio (or here) | |
Es | Diccionario Contable y Comercial | |
Agriculture |
De | Lexikon der Landwirtschaft (or here) (keywords: farming) |
Air Conditioning |
En | G&S Mechanical Services (keywords: air conditioning, evaporator, heat pump, split system) |
En | Consumer price guide | |
En | Liebert (auto changeover, chilled water system, comfort air conditioning, dehumidification, tonnage, Precision air-conditioning glossary) | |
En | American Standard Company Heating and Air Conditioning glossary | |
En | Rheem Company | |
En | Howellsac | |
En | Williamspha | |
En | Absolute comfort air | |
En | Metroenergysavers (Energy saving, heating and air-conditioning glossaries) | |
En | Comfort Systems Glossary of air-conditioning terms | |
Animals |
En | Dictionary of Animals (from Hutchinson Encyclopaedia) |
Architecture |
illustrated |
En | Aaron's Illustrated Glossary of Architecture & Decor |
En | Michael Durkin's Architectural Terms | |
En | Construction Glossary from Home Building Manual | |
Arts |
En | Artcyclopedia |
illustrated |
En | Artlex art dictionary |
En | Kfki.hu (click on Glossary; Italian art, general art, arcade, apse, entablature etc, etc.) | |
It | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Painting | |
It | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Pigments | |
Astronomy |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "astronomy") |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "astronomie") | |
Audiovisual |
En (some It) (Def. in It) | Glossario dei termini audiovisivi |
Automation |
It (some En) (Def. in It) | Infoland Srl (Rilevazione dati e controllo presenze del personale, Smart cards) |
Automotive |
illustrated |
En | Dictionary of automotive terms (or here) |
En | John Barach | |
En | Automotive industry | |
En | Volvo | |
En | GMC | |
En | Pontiac | |
En | Mercedes Benz | |
En | Rolls Royce | |
En | Land Rover | |
En | Nissan | |
En | Ford Probe | |
En | Gillespie Ford | |
En | Toyota | |
En | Subaru | |
En | Lotus | |
En | Woman motorist | |
En | Truck terms | |
En | Automotive painting | |
En | Autozone (over 6,500 terms) | |
En | Automotive Terminology (Velocity) | |
En | Air Bags glossary | |
illustrated |
It | Dizionario Tecnico dell'Automobilismo |
It | Alfa Romeo | |
Es | BMW | |
Bar Coding |
En | Zebra Bar Coding Glossary |
Batteries |
illustrated |
De | Varta.de (or here) |
illustrated |
En | Varta.com |
En | Battery Technologies Inc. | |
Biochemistry |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "biochimie - biologie") |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "English version" for definition of En terms; Select "biochemistry - biology") | |
Biology |
En | Dictionary
of Biology, Oxford University Press (et alia) Select "science". |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "English version" for definition of En terms; Select "biochemistry - biology") | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "biochimie - biologie") | |
It | Dizionario Enciclopedico ZANICHELLI di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche e di Biotecnologie «Italiano-Inglese» «Inglese-Italiano» (definitions in Italian) | |
Biotechnology |
En | BioTech |
En | Glossary of Biotechnology Terms | |
En | Glossary of Genetic Terms | |
It | Dizionario Enciclopedico ZANICHELLI di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche e di Biotecnologie «Italiano-Inglese» «Inglese-Italiano» (definitions in Italian) | |
Birds |
illustrated |
En | Birds of Britain (colour illustrations) |
illustrated |
En | Morris's British Birds, 1891 |
Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books |
En | Stanford |
En | 21 North Main Glossary of Book Terms (incl. photos) | |
Business |
En | The Maudit Group |
En | Penguin Business Dictionary et alia. Select "business & law". | |
En | Dictionary
of Business, Oxford University Press (et alia) Select "business & law". Select "business & law". |
En | Business
and Law (select "business and law") (Xrefer; many books) (Use " " for exact phrases!) |
En | The washingtonpost.com Business Glossary | |
En / It / De / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire d'Apprentissage du Français des Affaires (DAFA) |
En (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire Commercial | |
Es | Diccionario Contable y Comercial | |
Es (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire Commercial | |
It / En / De / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire d'Apprentissage du Français des Affaires (DAFA) |
It (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire Commercial | |
De / En / It / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire d'Apprentissage du Français des Affaires (DAFA) |
Fr / En / It / De (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire d'Apprentissage du Français des Affaires (DAFA) |
De (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire Commercial | |
Fr (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire Commercial | |
Business Management |
It / En (Def. in It) | Glossario di Economia e Economia Aziendale (Il Bilancio - Strumento di Analisi per la Gestione) (Ateneonline, McGraw-Hill) |
Chat slang |
De | Chat-Slang und Akronyme |
En | Chat-Slang und Akronyme | |
En | Netlingo's Smileys and Emoticons dictionary | |
En | Netlingo's Chat Acronyms and Shorthand | |
Chemical |
De | Chemis-CIVS (Chemi- kalieninformations- system für verbraucher- relevaten Stoffe) |
En | Cleaning products & equipment | |
En | Chemical Acronyms (BioTech) | |
En | Chemical dictionary file (includes: Environmental Mutagen Information Center (EMIC), Environmental Teratology Information Center (ETIC), Genetox, CURE, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), Hazardous Substances Database (HSDB), and CARCIN) | |
En | Chemical Safety Information - Glossary (The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University, England) | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select Select "chemistry") | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "chimie") | |
It | Tavola periodica degli elementi, incl. properties | |
It | Le parole della chimica (Eni.it) | |
De | Rutherford Lexikon der Elemente | |
Cable Technology |
En | The Siemon Company |
En | Cabling directory | |
En | Home Building | |
De | Faberkabel | |
Colours |
Fr | Chroma |
En | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
De | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
Es | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
Fr | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
Cs | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
Hu | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
Comics & cartoons |
En | Ka-boom ( or here) |
Company extensions |
En | Company extensions (worldwide) |
Computer |
illustrated |
En | The Computer Desktop Encyclopedia (incl. illustrations, charts, diagrams) |
illustrated |
En | 3D Dictionary (computer/Internet/technical terms with colorful illustrations) |
En | ZDWebopedia / Webopaedia | |
En | TechWeb | |
En | Hi-Tech Dictionary | |
En | Foldoc Dictionary of
Computing (Foldoc) |
En | IBM Glossary of Computing Terms | |
En | Jargon | |
En | Real-Time Technology | |
En | Glossary of computing terms and other specific glossaries (IBM) | |
En | Personal Computing & the Internet (Peter Collin Publishing) | |
En | Computer jargon explained | |
illustrated |
En (Def. in De) | Microsoft Press (or here) |
En | Microsoft | |
En (Def. in De) | Netlexikon (or here) (with background info) | |
En | Computer memories glossary | |
En | Dictionary of Computers (from Hutchinson Encyclopaedia) | |
En | IBM Hard Disk glossary | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "computer technology") | |
En | Unicode Glossary (alphabet, accent mark, characters) | |
abbreviations |
En | Acronyms (CH) |
abbreviations |
En (some De) | Acronyms (Berlin) |
abbreviations |
En | BABEL: A Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms by Irving & Richard Kind (or here) |
abbreviations |
En (some De) | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "informatique") | |
Fr (some En) | Computer glossary | |
It | Corsi Euroframe | |
illustrated |
De | Microsoft Press (or here) |
De | Netlexikon (or here) (with background info) | |
De | Computerlexikon | |
abbreviations |
De (many En) | Computer acronyms |
Computer Viruses |
En | Computer virus (McAfee) |
En | Computer viruses (Antivirus.com) virus, description, place of origin, etc. | |
En | Virus & Antivirus (Mary Landesman) (short list) | |
En | Computer Associates | |
Construction |
En | Burglar & Fire Alarm |
En | National Institute of Home Builders | |
En | Building glossary | |
illustrated |
En | Illustrated construction glossary (US Inspect) |
En | Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology (ore here, browsable) (no definitions) | |
De | Bauen.com | |
illustrated |
De | Bau-Markt-Lexikon |
illustrated |
De | Baunetz |
It | Lessico dell'edilizia (Progetto.ch) | |
Copyright |
En | Shieldkret |
Corrosion |
En | Corrosionsource.com |
Cryptography |
En | Terry Ritter's Crypto Glossary and Dictionary of Technical Cryptography |
Currencies |
Data security |
En | Glossary of Messaging and Security Terms (SSI Service Strategies) |
En | Digicert Certification Practice Statement (Glossary at end of page) | |
En | Lynn Wheeler's Security Glossary | |
En | The Information Security Glossary | |
Dental (dentist, teeth) |
illustrated |
De | Illustriertes Zahnlexikon |
illustrated |
En | Dictionary of Dental Terms |
Derivatives |
En | Appliederivatives |
En | Derivatives Dictionary | |
En | Derivatives | |
En | Derivative Glossary | |
En | Derivatives | |
De | Heimwerker-Lexikon (Selbst.de) (or here) Click on Lexikon |
illustrated |
De | Technik-Lexikon (Selbst.de) (or here) Click on Lexikon |
Earth Sciences |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "Earth Sciences") |
En | Glossary of Ozone Related Terms (NASA) (or here) | |
It | Le parole del mare (Eni.it) | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "sciences de la Terre") | |
ECommerce |
De | ECommerce-Lexikon |
Economics |
En | Penguin Dictionary of Economics et alia. Select "business & law". |
En | Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) | |
En | Encyclopedia of the New Economy | |
De | Die Wirtschaft Verstehen (Eichborn) | |
It | Dizionario economico - Simone (or here) | |
It | Il Sole 24 ore | |
Sp | Laenciclopedia - Diccionario de Economía | |
Education |
Many (Def. in En) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 1: Examinations, Qualifications and Titles (Eurydice, The
Information Network on Education in Europe) Terms in many languages explained in English (or here) |
Many (Def. in De) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 1: Examinations, Qualifications and Titles (Eurydice, The
Information Network on Education in Europe) Terms in many languages explained in German |
Many (Def. in Fr) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 1: Examinations, Qualifications and Titles (Eurydice, The
Information Network on Education in Europe) Terms in many languages explained in French |
Many (Def. in En) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 2: Educational Institutions (Eurydice, The Information Network on
Education in Europe) (or here) (pdf files, about 150 pages). This link allows you to navigate (navigation bar on left). Or else you can play around with the URL, changing language of the page (e.g. /en/) and file name (e.g. g.pdf) (g=first letter of terms defined) at the end. |
Many (Def. in De) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 2: Educational Institutions (Eurydice, The Information Network on
Education in Europe) (pdf files, about 150 pages). This link allows you to navigate (navigation bar on left). Or else you can play around with the URL, changing language of the page (e.g. /en/) and file name (e.g. g.pdf) (g=first letter of terms defined) at the end. |
Many (Def. in Fr) | European Glossary on
Education - Volume 2: Educational Institutions (Eurydice, The Information Network on
Education in Europe) (pdf files, about 150 pages). This link allows you to navigate (navigation bar on left). Or else you can play around with the URL, changing language of the page (e.g. /en/) and file name (e.g. g.pdf) (g=first letter of terms defined) at the end. |
Many | Eurybase (Eurydice,
The Information Network on Education in Europe) Click on a country in either language (the language you select at this point will be the language of the glossary definitions) then on Glossary. |
Many | European Education Thesaurus
(EET) (Eurydice, The Information Network on
Education in Europe) Downloadable multilingual lists (click on Download Area) Translation of terms in main European languages |
En | Euroeducation | |
En | Higher Education Systems (Unesco) (downloadable rtf files with descriptions of higher education systems most countries, with translations of degrees, entities, etc.) | |
Electrical Engineering |
En | NU |
En | Jefferson Electric (basic definitions) | |
En | Capacitors (incl. quite a bit of reference material) | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "électricité - électronique") | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "électricité - électronique") | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "electromagnetism") |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "électromagnétisme") | |
Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) |
En | eCompany |
En | Novoforum | |
En | MI e-commerce glossary | |
Electronic Data Processing (EDP) |
It (some En) (Def. in It) | Infoland Srl (data security, rilevazione dati e controllo presenze del personale, Smart cards) |
abbreviations |
En | VERA (VERA, English interface) (Verzeichnis EDV-Relevanter Akronyme) (or here, here) |
De | EDV-Lexikon (or here) | |
abbreviations |
De | VERA (VERA, English interface) (Verzeichnis EDV-Relevanter Akronyme) (or here, here) |
De | EDV-Abkürzungen | |
Electronics |
En | Futronix |
En | Intersil (Semiconductors) | |
En | Sematech | |
En | Electronics (Ensil) | |
En | Electronics (by Twisted Pair) | |
En | SMT Handbook (Samtec) | |
En | Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering | |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "electricity - electronics") | |
En (Def. in Es) | Algode (or here) | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "électricité - électronique") | |
De | Weidmueller (connectors etc.) (Click on "Lexikon") | |
De | Provertha Steckverbinder-Lexikon | |
abbreviations |
En | Abbreviations |
Electrotechnical |
En | International
Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database NOTE: only some of the terms are defined; essentially it is a Fr / De / En dictionary |
Fr | International
Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database NOTE: only some of the terms are defined; essentially it is a Fr / De / En dictionary |
De (Def. in En / Fr) | International
Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database NOTE: only some of the terms are defined; essentially it is a Fr / De / En dictionary |
Energy |
En | Consumer Energy |
En | Comsumer Energy Center (California Energy Commission) | |
En | California Energy Commission | |
En | Electro Industries, Inc. | |
En | Power Engineering Dictionary | |
It | Le parole dell'energia (Eni.it) | |
Environment |
It | Le parole dell'ambiente (Eni.it) |
Elevator Technology |
En | Bldservices.com (short) |
En | Otis | |
En | Access Elevator Company | |
En | Elevator Safety Orders - Definitions | |
European Union |
Da De En El Es Fr It Nl Pt Fi Sv | European Union (Institution, policies & enlargement of EU) |
Da De En El Es Fr It Nl Pt Fi Sv | Eurovoc Thesaurus of EU vocabulary | |
En | A Concise Encyclopaedia of the European Union (European Union, monetary union, politics, foreign policy, EU) | |
It | Dizionario dell'Unione Europea - Simone (or here) | |
Fasteners |
illustrated |
En | Nuts and bolts (Des Moines) Also: guides to nuts, bolts, washers, retainer rings etc. |
illustrated |
En | Nuts and bolts (very few illustrations) |
illustrated |
En (& De) | Reisser Schraubtechnik |
illustrated |
En | JIS Fasteners Library Catalog (bolts, screws, nuts, washers, pins, studs, rivets) |
illustrated |
En | SNL JIT Stock List Index (bolts, nuts, screws, pins, rivets, washers, sockets) |
illustrated |
En | Alba Bolt & Prime Fasteners (screws, bolts, nuts and much more) |
illustrated |
En | Allmetal Screw Products corp (ore here, here) (screws, bolts, washers, nuts) |
illustrated |
En | mid-states bolt and screw - Catalog Page (bolts, screws, fastener products) |
illustrated |
En | Dmbolt - Glossary of terms (illustrations) (retainer rings, bolts nuts, washers, ) |
illustrated |
En | Obex bolts, screws, nuts, washers (click on corresponding section) |
illustrated |
En | Nutty - Fastener catalog index (nuts, bolts, screws, washers, pins, rivets, drills, taps, tools) |
illustrated |
En | Harrison & Bonini (bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, anchors, washers) |
illustrated |
En | Micro Fasterners (screws, nuts, washers) (small & basic) |
illustrated |
En | Industrial Nut Corp (nuts, locknuts) |
illustrated |
En | Ondrives (screws, nuts, spacers, plugs, washers, bearings) |
illustrated |
De (& En) | Reisser Schraubtechnik |
File Extensions |
En | Saugus.net - Glossary of Filename Extensions |
En | FILExt.com | |
En | ExtSearch | |
Film |
En | IMDb Film Glossary |
En | Glossary of Shooting and Editing Terms | |
En | Glossary of Technical Terms (TV cameramen equipment) | |
En | Glossary of Film Terms (Joel Schlemowitz) | |
Finance |
En | Barkley |
En | Finance Glossary | |
En | Banking and Stock Glossary (Deutsche Bank) | |
En | Futures and Options (Centre for Futures Education) | |
En | Penguin
International Dictionary of Finance at alia. Select "business & law". |
En | Financial Encyclopaedia (or here) | |
En | Investor words | |
En | Investopedia (incl. acronyms) | |
En | CompassWebBrokerage Investment glossary | |
En | Investment funds (UBS Warburg) | |
En | Investment funds (UBS) | |
En | Campbell R. Harvey's Finance Glossary | |
En | *Yahoo finance | |
En | Lynn Wheeler's Financial Glossary (large) | |
En | Roughneck's Financial Glossary | |
En | Money World | |
En | Ventureline | |
En | Nordby International | |
En | Moneywords | |
En | Financial Risk Management (International Financial Risk Institute, CH) | |
En (few De) | Sharetipster (Investment) | |
En | Sharetipster (Investment) | |
En | Speculation glossary | |
En | Nasdaq Stock Market Glossary | |
En (& Fr) | Glossary of Canada's Department of Finance | |
En (& Fr, De, Nl) | Campbell
R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary A parallel glossary is also available in French, German and Dutch) |
En (Def. in It) transl. in It. |
Glossario di linguaggio finanziario
(Fin.Eco Investimenti) (if you experience problems viewing other letters, postion mouse
over "Italiano" or "Inglese", press CTRL then left-click on the
required letter) Use the website's own search engine to locate keywords in the glossary! |
De / Fr / It (Def. in De / Fr / It) | Zurich (areas: azioni,
derivati, fondo d'investimento, investire, mercati, obbligazioni, opzioni, scambi /
Aktien, Anlagefonds, Anlegen, Derivate, Handel, Märkte, Obligationen, Optionen / actions,
dérivés, fonds de placement, investir, marchés, négoce, obligations, options) Search by keyword, subject area or letter. |
abbreviations |
En | Financial abbreviations (Bank of England) |
De | Bank und Börsenlexikon (Deutsche Bank) | |
De | Commerzbank Finanzlexikon | |
De | Börsenlexikon | |
De | Börsenlexikon (stock market) | |
De | Investment funds (UBS) | |
De | Investment funds (Deutscher Finanzmarkt) | |
De | Seefelder | |
De | Börsenlexikon | |
De | Gründer-Service: Geld & Finanzen, Cash-ABC | |
It | Dizionario di Contabilità e Finanza - Simone (or here) | |
It | Dizionario dell'euro - Simone (or here) | |
It (transl. in En) |
Glossario di linguaggio finanziario
(Fin.Eco Investimenti) (if you experience problems viewing other letters, postion mouse
over "Italiano" or "Inglese", press CTRL then left-click on the
required letter) Use the website's own search engine to locate keywords in the glossary! |
It | Investment funds (UBS) | |
It | Il Glossario Finanziario
(Axiaonline) Some Translations of En terms into It |
It (some En) | Glossario del risparmio gestito (or here: Click on Education then Glossario) | |
It | Glossario (or here) (Caboto Securities) | |
It | Glossario dei Mercati Mobiliari (financial markets, stocks and shares) | |
Fr | Investment funds (UBS) | |
Fr (& En) | Glossary of Canada's Department of Finance | |
Es | La Caja De Canarias | |
Fish |
En | Salmon Farming Glossary |
illustrated |
En | FishBase (common/scientific names and lots more) lots of info |
En | Gorton's fish terms | |
Food |
En | Foodsubs (cooking encyclopedia: ingredients, kitchen tools; inlc. pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations & suggested substitutions. |
En | Onecook (ingredients, cooking) | |
illustrated |
En & more lang. | Encyclopedia of Spices |
En | Glossary of Spices | |
De | Lebensmittellexikon | |
De | Food additives (Sabona) | |
De | Bionorm | |
De | Vegan | |
Fungi |
En | Mykoweb |
Gas |
It | Mitica.it |
Geography |
De | StAGN (Ständiger
Ausschuss für geographische Namen = Permanent committee for geographic names): List of state names, their abbreviations, relating adjectives and designation of their inhabitants |
Geology |
En | Geologylink geologic glossary |
Glass |
En | Vetrotexasiapacific (glass and plastics) |
Grains |
Grammar |
En | Glossary of Grammatical Terms |
Hackers |
En | New Hackers' Dictionary |
En | Hacking dictionary | |
Heating |
En | Federal Energy Management Program Heating glossary |
History |
De | Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (encyclopaedic) |
Fr | Dictionnaire Historique de la Suisse (encyclopaedic) | |
It | Dizionario Storico della Svizzera (encyclopaedic) | |
Human Resources |
En | OSL Ltd. (wages, contingency plan, management by objectives, human resources) |
Information Technology |
En | ANSDAT (American National Standard Dictionary of Information Technology) |
En | Whatis.com (IT, extensive definitions; computers, software, hardware, wireless) | |
En | Pcwebopaedia | |
En | Agathering | |
En | Acronyms | |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Acrodict (enter your term in the box at the bottom of the page) | |
De | IT-Begriffsdatenbank (GES IT-Training) | |
De | Begriffe aus der Welt der Netz (Deutsche Telekom) | |
It | Dizionario Informatica (Jackson Libri) | |
It | Corsi Euroframe | |
It | Le parole dell'inform@tica (Eni.it) | |
It | Glossario informatico (Supereva) | |
Fr | Linux | |
Fr | Commission ministérielle de terminologie informatique | |
Fr (some En) | Dicofr | |
Fr | Atmedica | |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | Acrodict (enter your term in the box at the bottom of the page) | |
Es | Que-es (whatis) | |
Es (some En) Def. in Es | Tectimes | |
abbreviations |
De | Zaphod |
It (def. in It) | Rita | |
Insurance |
En | Insweb |
En | Insurance Basics (Pivot) | |
En | Winterthur | |
En | Lewis Chester Group (LCG) | |
En | Insure.com | |
En | Insurexchange.com | |
En | Swiss Life | |
It | www.cdo.it | |
It | Assicurarsi | |
It | RAS | |
It | Swiss Life (or here) | |
It | 6sicuro | |
De | Swiss Life (or here) | |
De | Winterthur | |
De | Deutscherring | |
De | ABC der Lebensversicherung | |
De | ABC der Lebensversicherung (Switzerland) | |
De | Expertisa.ch | |
Fr | Swiss Life (or here) | |
Intellectual Property |
Internet |
En | Netlingo's internet dictionary (or here) |
En | Ask Peg (simple English) | |
En | Learnthenet | |
En | Matisse Enzer | |
En | Glossary of Internet & Web Jargon | |
De | Commando | |
De | Internent Glossar (Tigerweb) | |
De | Learnthenet | |
De | InterLexikon | |
De | Internet Glossar (H. R. Hansen) | |
Fr | Learnthenet | |
It (some En) | Cliccalavoro | |
It | Gergo telematico | |
En | ISP Glossary (www.internet.com) |
Labour |
En | Glossary of
terms related to International Labour Standards |
Fr | Glossary of
terms related to International Labour Standards |
Es | Glossary of
terms related to International Labour Standards |
Landscaping |
En | Landscapeusa (house, garden, garden tools, greenhouse etc. Go to gardening library for plant encyclopedia) |
En | Gardenweb | |
Law (legal) |
En | Online Dictionary of Law from Peter Collin Publishing |
En | Oran's Dictionary of the Law (or here) | |
En | Meriam Webster Law Dictionary | |
En | Findlaw (or here, here, here) | |
En | Real Life Dictionary of The Law (Law.com) | |
En | Loyd Duhaime | |
En | Business
and Law (select "business and law") (Xrefer; many books) (Use " " for exact phrases!) |
En | MyCounsel.com's legal dictionary | |
En | Dictionary of Law, Oxford University Press (et alia) Select "business & law". | |
En | Everybody's Legal Dictionary (or here) (plain English) | |
En | Fifth Judicial District Courts | |
En | Lectric Law Library (Lectlaw) | |
En | Insweb (CA) | |
En | legalese | |
En | Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1856 edition) (or here) | |
En | August1.com International Law Dictionary and Directory | |
En | Legal Explorer (State Bar of Wisconsin) | |
En | Glossary of Legal Terminology Civil Law (Bailey-Law) | |
En | Lexicon for Law, Business and IT (LegaMedia) | |
De | ARD-Ratgeber Recht Rechtswörterbuch | |
De | Juristische Schlagworte (or here) (digitale informationssysteme - Lexikon des Rechts) | |
De | Ratgeber Recht | |
De | Deutschen Rechtswörterbuchs (DRW) (main page) | |
De | Juracafé (legal terms for the layperson) | |
De | Kleines Rechtslexikon zur Entscheidungssammlung | |
De | Lexicon for Law, Business and IT (LegaMedia) | |
abbreviations |
De | Abkürzungen deutscher Gesetzesnamen |
abbreviations |
De | Gesetzes- und Gerichtsabkürzungen (or here) (digitale informationssysteme - Lexikon des Rechts) |
abbreviations |
De | Juristische Abkürzungen (or here) (digitale informationssysteme - Lexikon des Rechts) |
abbreviations |
De | Abkürzungen der Juristen |
abbreviations |
De | Abkürzungen aus der Rechtssprache (and "eisenbahnspezifische Abkürzungen" and general abbreviations) |
abbreviations |
De | Abkürzungen der deutschen Rechtssprache |
abbreviations |
De | Zeitschriftenabkürzungen (or here) (digitale informationssysteme - Lexikon des Rechts) |
It | Dizionario Giuridico - Simone (or here) | |
It | Dizionario Giuridico Romano - Simone (or here) | |
It | Dizionario Storico del Diritto Italiano e Europeo - Simone (or here) | |
Fr | Lexicon for Law, Business and IT (LegaMedia) | |
Fr (some It; Def. in It) | Dictionnaire du Droit Privé français - Version italienne | |
Fr | Dictionnaire du droit privé (search engine) | |
Fr | Le vocabulaire de l'arbitrage (arbitration, dispute resolution) | |
Es | Laenciclopedia - Diccionario Jurídico | |
En | Findlaw - Library search (sample contracts etc.) |
Leather |
Es | Glosario del cuero (Cueronet) |
Life Science |
Light |
En | Osram |
En | Schorsch industrial lighting systems glossary | |
En | Vincent Lighting | |
De | Osram | |
It | Osram | |
Linguistics |
De | Textlinguistik-Glossar |
De |
www.canoo.net - glossary of linguistic terms. Also: many resources for the German language including inflection (declension and conjugation), word formation (compounding, word formation with prefixes and suffixes) and German spelling reform. |
Logistics |
En | Distribution Magazine |
En | Logisticsworld | |
En | Logistics and vehicle managament | |
En | Cahners | |
En | Logistics (SeaLand BPI) | |
En | Material Handling | |
En | InventoryOps | |
abbreviations |
En | Acronyms (Tibbet & Britten) |
De | Logistik Glossar | |
Management |
It (some En) | SIMET (here) |
Management and Technology |
En | Dictionary of Management and Technology (or here) |
Marketing |
En | Quirks marketing research |
En | Martketingmonthly | |
En | Glossary of Marketing Research Terms | |
En | Branding and packaging glossary (short list) | |
En | Interactive Advertising Glossary (Internet Advertising Bureau) | |
Materials Science and Engineering |
En | Lehigh |
En | AZoM- The A to Z of Materials | |
En | Materials Database
and Search Engine (over 20,000 materials including metals, plastics, ceramics, and
composites; lists technical properties) Also: conversion tool; link to companies that sell the materials. |
En | Matter (The University of Liverpool) | |
Materials testing |
En | Instron |
Mathematics |
En | Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics |
Mechanical Engineering |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "mechanics") |
En | Precision Measurement | |
En | Interactive Math Glossary | |
illustrated |
En | Gears |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "mécanique") | |
Medical |
En | MedicineNet / MedicineNet (Medterms; encyclopaedia with a fair amount of reference text) |
En | Concise Medical Dictionary, Oxford University Press (et alia). Select "health". | |
En | The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine | |
En | MPIP | |
En | Medical prefixes, roots & suffixes | |
En | Intelihealth | |
En | Lycos WebMD | |
En | Graylab (or here) | |
En | Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body (1,247 illustrations) | |
En | Webster's Medical Dictionary (or here) | |
En | WebMD | |
En | Medical Dictionary Search Engines (Searches through the most popular search engines such as DrugBase, DrKoop, MSN Health, Health Finder etc.) | |
En | Matria | |
En | Allergy glossary | |
En | Diabetes Dictionary | |
En | A Virtual Pocket Dictionary of Pain Terms | |
abbreviations |
En | Pharmaceutical lexicon (Pharma-lexikon) (terms, acronyms & abbreviations) |
En | Dr Koop Medical Encyclopedia (extensive definitions and reference material) | |
En | Atmedica | |
En | Medscape (research medical subjects / search the dictionaries and published medical texts) | |
illustrated |
En | Brain Explorer Glossary (or here) |
illustrated |
En | Merck Manual of Medical Information (videos, animations, audio clips, photos) |
abbreviations |
En | Virtual Hospital |
abbreviations |
En | Abbreviations & assistance |
En | Directory of medical eponyms (i.e. conditions named after people) 5500 eponyms | |
Fr | Atmedica | |
Fr | Canadian medical encyclopaedia | |
Fr | Doctissimo - Glossary | |
Fr | Doctissimo - Encyclopaedia / Analyses | |
De | Duden Medizin | |
De | Cevis (keywords: anatomy). Links to a DE>DE glossary of medical foreign words and DE>MULTI and EN>MULTI glossaries and lists of medical terms. | |
De | Uni Erlangen | |
De | Lexikon zu Tropenkrankheiten: | |
It | Dizionario Enciclopedico ZANICHELLI di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche e di Biotecnologie «Italiano-Inglese» «Inglese-Italiano» (definitions in Italian) | |
abbreviations |
De | Medizinische Abkürzungen |
It | Benessere a sapersi - Glossario sulla salute (Corriere della Sera) | |
En | List of Medical dicitonaries & glossaries | |
En | MANY MORE - some illustrated | |
En | MANY MORE | |
(pictorial dictionaries) |
En | Adam Medical Encyclopaedia (Medline) (illustrated & links to other
web resources - Select: Disease Injury Nutrition Poison Special Surgery Symptoms) For reference material, go to: http://medlineplus.gov/ |
En | Anatomy of the Human Body | |
En | Pharmacological (incl. illustrations & links to articles) | |
Fr | Doctissimo - Atlas of the human body | |
Metallurgy |
De | Stahllexikon (or here) | |
De | SteelScreen Metall-Glossar (Click on Branchenforum, then on Metall-Glossar) | |
De | Droesser (or here) | |
De | Hofmannmetallbau | |
De | Aluminium glossary (keyword: aluminum) | |
En | Steelmill.com | |
En | Principal Metals | |
En | Weirton.com | |
En | Aluminium, brass, copper, steel | |
En | Steel works (American Iron and Steel Institute) | |
En | Steel industry terms (Metal Strategies) | |
En | Alcoa Aluminum glossary | |
En | Glossary of Steel Terms (short) (Industry Canada) | |
En | Glossary of Steel Terms (Nass) | |
En | SteelScreen Metals Glossary (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
En (Fr glos. also) | Glossary of steel terms - Strategis | |
En | Aluminium glossary (keyword: aluminum) | |
Es | SteelScreen Glosario de la Metalurgia (Click on Foro del Ramo, then on Glosario) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Fr | SteelScreen Glossaire des Métaux (Click on Forum, then on Glossaire) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Fr | Aluminium glossary (keyword: aluminum) | |
Fr (En glos. also) | Termes de l'acier - Strategis | |
Fi | TESTAA TIETOSI METALLISANASTON AVULLA (Click on Metallifoorumi then on Glossaire) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
illustrated |
It | Dalmine Glossario dell'acciaio (or here) |
It | SteelScreen Glossario Metalli (Click on Foro Settoriale, then on Glossario Metalli) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Po | Glosariusz Metali (Click on Forum Branzowe, then on Glosariusz Metali) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Ru | SteelScreen Metall-Glossar (Click on Language to select language, then on Industry Forum, then on Metal Glossary) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Sv | Metallordlista (Click on Branschforum, then on Metallordlista) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Tk | METAL SÖZLÜGÜ (Click on Sektör Forumu, then on METAL SÖZLÜGÜ) (If you have problems accessing other languages, delete your cookies) | |
Mineralogy |
En | Natural Stone Worldwide (Klaus Börner, Detlev Hill, Abraxas Verlag; Description, origin, supplier: more info and pictures available on CD-ROM) |
De | Natural Stone Worldwide (Klaus Börner, Detlev Hill, Abraxas Verlag; Description, origin, supplier: more info and pictures available on CD-ROM) | |
De | Kleines Lexikon der Mineralogie, Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz | |
Mobile telephones |
En | Nokia phones glossary |
En | Panasonic mobile phones glossary | |
Music |
En | Allmusic (browse or search) |
En | Xrefer
(select "music"; many books) (Use " " for exact phrases!) |
En | Music Glossary (Virginia Tech New Media Centre) | |
De | Musikverein Sulzbach | |
De | Music Glossary - Vokalensemble Luzern | |
It | Glossario musicale (Attikmusic) | |
Mythology & legend |
En | Encyclopedia of Mythology and Legend (keywords: gods, heroes, myths, legends, monsters, creatures, fables, tales, religion, battles, stories, heros, kings, princes, queens, demons, devils, lore, mythology, creation myths, epics, legend, folk tales, fairy tales, children, educational, history) |
Nature |
illustrated |
En | Nature Picture Library (animals etc. BBC Natural History Unit Picture Library collection and BBCwild) |
Occupational titles |
En | DOT |
En | DOT | |
Oil & gas industry |
illustrated |
En | Schlumberger Oilfield glossary |
En | Croklaan (edible oil processing & production of speciality oils) | |
En | Oil Analysis and Lubrication Dictionary (or here) | |
Optics |
En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Select "optics") |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "optique") | |
It | Piccolo dizionario oculistico (1 page, illustrated) (keywords: eyes, optician) | |
Packaging, Shipping and Transporta-
En | Star Case Glossary of Casing and Packaging |
En | YCS | |
En | United Shipping | |
Paint |
illustrated |
It | Glossario Vernici (or here) (347 terms, some illustrations) |
Pension Fund |
De | Rentenlexikon |
Performance |
En | Alliance for Redesigning Government |
Plants |
En | Encyclopedia of Plants |
En | Dictionary of Plants (from Hutchinson Encyclopaedia) | |
En | Plants Hortiplex | |
En | Gardenweb glossary | |
En | Plants Database | |
Plastics |
En | Ohio State Plant Listing (incl. photographs) |
En | Vetrotexasiapacific (glass and plastics) | |
En | Kreysler & Associates (plastics, fiber-reinforced plastics, thermoplastics, reinforcement,molding, composite) | |
Politics |
It | Dizionario della filosofia politica - Simone (or here) |
Postal services |
En | United Stated Postal Service
glossary of postal terms keywords: post office, mail, mailing |
Printed Circuit Design |
En | Vutrax.co.uk |
En | Cirgraph | |
En | Glossary of Printed Circuit Design and Manufacturing (printed circuit boards, PCBs) | |
Prosthetics |
En | Glossary of prosthetics & orthotics terms |
Pumps |
illustrated |
En | The Internet Glossary of Pumps (some animated) (Animated Software Company) |
Purchasing |
Quality Manage-
En | David Butler |
En | Quality Glossary (1stNclass) | |
En | Strategic Business Process Reengineering Glossary | |
En | Alliance for Redesigning Government | |
En | Quality (SeaLand BPI) | |
It | Analysis srl | |
Real Estate |
De | Immo-lexikon (or here) |
De | Immobilien Fachwissen (Baugenos) | |
En | Realtor | |
En | Glossary of Real Estate Terms (Realpro) | |
En | Real estate / mortgage glossary of terms (Thornton Mortgage) | |
It | Dizionario del condominio - Simone (or here) | |
Reinsurance |
En | Swiss Re |
En | Cologne Re | |
En | Reinsurance Glossary (ACLI Reinsurance Committee, CSLIC (Central Security Life) Insurance Company). | |
Religion |
It | Dizionario della Religione Cattolica - Simone (or here) |
Research and Development |
En | Cordis (EU R&D acronyms) |
Risk Assessment |
Roofing |
En | Roofing glossary (also has a Photo Glossary for you to browser through photographs of common roofing sites and problems) |
En | GSM Roofing | |
Safety |
En | Chemical Safety Information - Glossary (The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University, England) |
It | Salute e Sicurezza nei Luoghi di Lavoro | |
En | SAP Definitions of terminology used in the SAP System (or here, here) |
En | SAP | |
En | SAP (Sapinfo) (or here) (Click on "glossary", then again "glossary" or "SAP terminology") | |
En | *SAP (Sapfans) | |
En | *SAP (Brabandt) | |
En | SAP DB (Sap) | |
En | SAP (Popey) | |
De | SAP (or here, here, here) | |
De | SAP (Uni Heidelberg) | |
Science and Technology |
En | Harcourt Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology |
En | Dictionary of Science, Oxford University Press (et alia). Select "health". | |
En | The Scientific World | |
abbreviations |
En | Scientific and technical acronyms, symbols and abbreviations |
Search Engines |
En | Search Terms Glossary |
En | Search Engine Terms (or here) (Keith Bramich) | |
En | Search Engine Glossary (Search Engine World) | |
En | Search Engine Glossary (Search Engine World) (rather short) | |
De (En with some De) | Glossar der Fachbegriffe bezüglich Internet Suchmaschinen | |
Fr (some En) | ||
It | Glossario dei termini relativi ai motori di ricerca | |
Nl | Search Terms | |
Es | Search Terms | |
Soldering & Welding |
En | Soldering and fume extraction definitions (PCBs) (or here) |
En | Welding, soldering (Machinist.org) | |
En | Welding Definitions (Pipingnews) As defined in the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology "Pocket Welding Guide", 26th edition | |
En | Seho Soldering Dictionary | |
En | Metal Technologies (metal casting, sand casting, moulding) | |
En | Electron iron casting glossary (Electron Corporation): metal casting, iron casting, foundries | |
En | Copper Data Centre thesaurus of terms (electroerosion) | |
De | Seho Lötlexikon | |
Sounds |
En | FindSounds (listen to .wav files!) |
En | Acoustic Innovations - Glossary | |
Statistics |
En | SurfStat Glossary of Statistics |
En | Statistics Glossary (StatSoft) | |
En | Statistics Glossary (Easton & McColl) | |
En | Peter B. Meyer's Glossary of Research Economics Terms | |
En | The Internet Glossary of Statistical Terms (The Animated Software Company) | |
En | Animated Software glossary of statistical terms | |
En | Statistics | |
En | Okstate statistical terms | |
It | Glossario di Termini Statistici Generali | |
Stock Market |
De | Citibank Börsenlexikon |
De | Fonds (Select "LVM-Fonds-Familie", "Lexikon & FAQs", "Fonds-ABC") | |
Börsen-Wörterbuch Die wichtigsten Grundbegriffe für Anleger |
De | Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology | |
De | Börsenlexikon (Hotinvestor) | |
De | Börsen ABC (letters A-F) (letters G-M) | |
De | Börsenlexikon - Stock dictionary and glossary | |
De | Börsebegriffe (Wienerbörse) | |
De | Börsenglossar | |
En | Roughneck's Stock Market Glossary | |
En (Def. in De) | Börsen ABC (letters A-F) (letters G-M) | |
En | Stock dictionary and glossary | |
En | Glossary of stock investing terms | |
It | Glossario della Borsa (Borsaitalia) | |
It | Le parole della Borsa (Eni.it) | |
Es | Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology | |
Pt | Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology | |
Symbols |
En | Symbols.com (symbols, ideograms, pictograms) "The world's largest online encyclopedia of graphic symbols" with meanings, use and history. Search online by word or image or download the encyclopedia for free. |
abbreviations |
En | Scientific and technical acronyms, symbols and abbreviations |
Taxation (fiscal) |
En (Def. in De) | US tax glossary (Pinkernell) |
En | Stawrs | |
De | Steuernetz (German tax law) | |
De | US tax glossary (Pinkernell) | |
En | Whatis.com (extensive definitions) |
En | Lucent Technologies Glossary | |
En | Federal Standard 1037 C (or here, here) | |
En | Glossary of New Technologies | |
En | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for definitions of En terms; Select "telecommunications") | |
En | Satellite & Communications (Quantrum Prime Communications, LLC, Stafford, Virginia, USA) | |
Fr | Sciences en Ligne (Select "télécommunications") | |
De | Telekommunikations-Glossar (Birgit Kremer/Stefan Münz) |
De (some En) | Telekom-Glossar (or here) (keyword: Telekommunikation) | |
De | Glossar Telekommunikation (11 terms) |
abbreviations |
En | Abbreviations (Federal Standard 1037 C) |
Es | Que-es (whatis) | |
Es | Diccionario de Acrónimos, siglas y términos utilizados en Telefónica Investigación y Desarollo (or here) (slow loading) | |
Textiles |
En | BTTG (textiles/fibres) |
illustrated |
It | Moda Online |
Tools |
illustrated |
En | Homestore.com |
illustrated |
En | Illustrated tool glossary |
illustrated |
En | Illustrated tool dictionary (or here) |
It | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Tools | |
Trade (Inter-
En | Empire State |
En | Worldtradepress.com | |
En | Incoterms | |
En | Incoterms (Transports.it) | |
En | ||
En | Trade Compass | |
It | Glossario (IntesaTrade) (Def. in It and translations in En) | |
Trademarks |
En | Shieldkret |
Train |
abbreviations |
De | Eisenbahnspezifische Abkürzungen (and legal & general abbreviations) |
Translation & Interpreting |
En | Glossary about Translation and Interpretation |
Transportation |
En | Glossary of Transportation Terms & Acronyms (Texas Department of Transportation) |
En | Dictionary of transport terms (incl. Incoterms) (Transports.it) | |
En | International Trade & Transportation Glossary (Incoterms) (Transports.it) | |
Typography |
De | Colordruck dictionary of printing terms |
De | Werner Verlag Typographie-Lexikon | |
De / En (Def. in De) | Dictionary of typographical, computer, bookbinding & printing terms (approx. 600 entries, some illustrations) | |
Units of Measurement |
En | Unit converter |
En | Conversion Factors | |
En | Dictionary of Units of Measurement | |
En | Convert-Me | |
De | SI Einheiten (incl. prefixes) | |
It | Unità di misura (Transports.it) (incl. conversions) | |
Viscosity |
En | Oil Analysis and Lubrication Dictionary (or here) |
Watches & Watchmaking |
En | BJS Online |
illustrated |
En | Illustrated glossary of watch parts (Timezone) |
En | Bestwatch4U | |
Fr | About-Translations | |
Fr | W3chrono | |
Fr | Timeuhren | |
Fr | Worldtempus | |
Water |
En | Water Words |
En | Lenntech Water Glossary | |
De | Lenntech Water Glossary | |
Fr | Lenntech Water Glossary | |
Sp | Lenntech Water Glossary | |
Dut | Lenntech Water Glossary | |
Waterproofing |
En | Glossary for waterproofing terminology |
Wine |
En | Wine terminology |
En | Giles Watson's wine glossary | |
Wood |
illustrated |
It | Dizionario di Legno (or here, here) |
It | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Woods | |
illustrated |
De / Fr / En (UK / US) / It | Holzglossar (incl. local names in various countries & languages) |
OTHER terminology sites |
En | Canton Elevator Inc. |
Elevator terminology |
En | Adams Elevator Equipment |
ABBREVIATIONS used on this page | |
Bas = Basque Cat = Catalan Dan = Danish De = German Def = Definitions Dut = Dutch En = English Et = Estonian Fin = Finnish Fr = French Gr = Greek Ir = Irish It = Italian Jp = Japanese Lat = Latin Pt = Portuguese Ro = Romanian Rus = Russian Sp = Spanish Swe = Swedish Tk = Turkish Zh = Chinese |
En / It = both versions (En-It and It-En), with either
full-text searching or a dictionary version to be selected prior to searching En-It = only that particular version |
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