Help Finding Glossaries & Parallel Texts on the Internet
Using the WWW Search Interfaces for Translators


Can you not find your language/language pair?
Are you having trouble finding a glossary/parallel texts?

Ask for help in the wwwsift - Helping you sift through the web!forum
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Once you are a member, you may send your query to the list (via the web, once you have a Yahoo! ID, or by email to, stating exactly what you are looking for:

Need help finding a definition? ... or a translation?
Subject of message: REQ: XX Definition YOUR TERM REQ: XX>YY YOUR TERM
Body of message: Context (provide as much context as possible) Context (provide as much context as possible)
NOTE: XX/YY=code for source/target language (list of codes)

We look forward to hearing from you!

Your feedback will help make these search interfaces even better and will be much appreciated!

Tanya Harvey Ciampi



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