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dictionaries and reference material listed


Definitions, usage, synonyms, idioms
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

Over 90,000 entries feature 10,000 new words and senses, 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full-page color illustrations, language notes and word-root appendixes.



Le Dictionnaire Universel Francophone En Ligne, accessible sur ce site, est constitué de la partie "noms communs" du Dictionnaire Universel Francophone des Éditions Hachette Edicef, ouvrage imprimé et actuellement commercialisé.



Le dictionnaire a un index de plus de 72000 mots. Pour chacun de ces mots est donnée une définition qui peut être accompagnée d'un dossier, d'images ou d'une carte géographique.


Usage (words in context)

Dictionary with more than 7.5 million entries in more than 30 languages. The core of the dictionary is based on glossaries from more than 200,000 translations done by the Italian translation company LOGOS, plus additional items submitted by more than 1,000 professional users who do not belong to the LOGOS Group who use the dictionary daily. The dictionary also provides whole sentences containing the word searched for in context.


British National Corpus

A 100 million word collection of samples of written and spoken language from a wide range of sources, designed to represent a wide cross-section of current British English, both spoken and written.


Rali (Canadian Hansard Corpus)

TransSearch is a bilingual concordancing tool, i.e. a program for looking up words and expressions in a corpus of texts. The user submits a query to the program, which responds by searching its database and displaying all matches to the query, with each occurrence displayed in its context. A bilingual concordancing tool, in addition, retrieves and displays the translation of each passage matched by the query. Bilingual concordancing is made possible by alignment methods that automatically establish the links between translated segments in parallel texts.

TransSearch was originally developped by the Computer-Aided Translation (CAT) research team of the Centre for Information Technology Innovation (CITI). This team now constitutes the core of the RALI (Le Laboratoire de Recherche Appliquée en Linguistique Informatique) laboratory, Montréal, Canada.


Das Canadian Hansard Corpus ist ein Parallelkorpus, das aus Verschriftungen kanadischer Parlamentsdebatten (1986-93) besteht, die in den beiden offiziellen Sprachen des Landes (englisch und französisch) veröffentlicht wurden.


Langenscheidt Translation Memory

Das Übersetzungsarchiv (Translation Memory) in der Profiversion von T1 wurde entwickelt, um dem Übersetzer Arbeit bei sich wiederholenden Textpassagen abzunehmen. Das Archiv "merkt" sich jeden Satz, der bisher übersetzt wurde und wendet dieses Wissen bei neuen Übersetzungen an. Dadurch können besonders bei neuen Versionen von zu übersetzenden Dokumenten erhebliche Aufwände eingespart werden.

Quasi als "Nebeneffekt" läßt sich das Übersetzungsarchiv auch ausgezeichnet beim manuellen Übersetzen oder beim Posteditieren von maschineller Übersetzung nutzen. Es lassen sich einzelne Begriffe oder Phrasen im Satzarchiv nachschlagen und in einem Konkordanzfenster anzeigen. Man sieht auf einen Blick, wie ein Begriff bisher übersetzt wurde.

Sie können aber nicht nur in Ihren eigenen Dokumenten suchen. Die Profi-Version von T1 enthält schon eine große Anzahl von Übersetzungen. Wenn Sie die richtige Formulierung für Geschäftsbriefe suchen, können Sie intelligent in 4000 Mustersätzen und 100 Briefmustern suchen. Wenn Sie nach einer Redewendung suchen, können sie Langenscheidts Handwörterbuch mit über 70.000 Sätzen befragen. Dort finden Sie idiomatische Ausdrücke, die Ihnen beim Formulieren helfen.


Institution für Translationswissenschaft

This termbase is a collection of terminology diploma theses written at the Institute for Translation and Interpretation in Innsbruck.


Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and Abbreviations

Search for what an acronym means or what acronyms a certain word is used in.


ABbreviation Compass


Phrase and Fable
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable

Comprises over 18,000 entries that reveal the etymologies, source and origin of common phrases, allusions, and words that have a tale to tell.


The Age of Fable or Beauties of Mythology by Thomas Bulfinch

Written to “teach mythology not as a study but as a relaxation from study,” these ageless volumes span the ages: from the Olympus of Zeus and the Valhalla of Thor, to the Round Table of King Arthur and the escapades of Robin Hood.


The World Factbook

The U.S. government’s complete geographical handbook, featuring 267 full-color maps and flags of all nations. Each country profile tracks such demographics as population, ethnicity and literacy rates, as well as political, geographical and economic data.


Thesaurus (synonyms)
Roget's Thesaurus (Bartleby - 1)

85,000 hyperlinked cross-references—thus fulfilling their goal of “each word being related to its neighbors and each part to the whole.” Additionally, over 2,900 proverbs and quotations from classic and modern authors illustrate the 1,000-plus entries. User-friendly.


Roget's Thesaurus (Bartleby - 2)

35,000 synonyms in an easy-to-use format, this thesaurus features succinct word definitions and an innovative hyperlinked category index.


Bartlett's Quotations

A collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. This tenth edition of 1919 contains over 11,000 quotations and was the first new edition of John Bartlett’s corpus to be published after his death in 1905. However, most of Bartlett’s original work was left intact, the new editor choosing more to supplement than revise that of the first name in quotation compilations.


Simpson's Contemporary Quotations

The Most Notable Quotations: 1950–1988

Comprisesing over 10,000 quotations from 4,000 sources, James B. Simpson Simpson includes 25 categories and 60 sections ranging from “love” to “criminology.” This comprehensive reference contains words of wit and wisdom from such modern notables as Ezra Pound, Henry Kissinger, George Orwell, Dorothy Parker, and Desmond Tutu.


Specialised - Miscellaneous

Laixicon® ist das Fachwörterbuch von Aixonix für Ingenieure im World Wide Web.

(general technical dictionary)


Grand Dictionnaire

Le grand dictionnaire terminologique est un ouvrage de référence unique rassemblant un fonds terminologique d'envergure de 3 millions de termes français et anglais (spécialisés) dans 200 domaines d'activité. Il est le compagnon indispensable de tous ceux et celles qui doivent traduire, réviser ou rédiger des textes impeccables.

Élaboré et produit par: Gouvernement de Québec -Office de la langue française et alia.



All fields. This dictionary was created by the European Parliament. It now contains over 150,000 entries in the 12 official languages of the European Community.



TERMIUM Plus®: The trilingual version of TERMIUM®, the linguistic data bank of the Government of Canada. It is an English / French / Spanish electronic dictionary consisting of terms, synonyms, acronyms, definitions, examples of usage and observations in a wide variety of fields such as administration, science and informatics; over three million terms are in English and French and more than seventy thousand are in Spanish. TERMIUM Plus® allows you to do simultaneous on-line searches in the electronic dictionary and in three key Translation Bureau reference works: The Canadian Style, Le guide du rédacteur and the Lexique analogique.



TIS on the Web is a simplified version of the terminological database used by terminologists and translators working in The General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union.

Beilstein Organic Chemistry

The Beilstein Dictionary (German/English) has been compiled by the scientific staff of the Beilstein Institute to facilitate the use of Basic Series and Supplementary Series I to IV by those Handbook users whose native language is not German. With a total of about 2,100 entries, it contains most German words occurring in the Beilstein Handbook, as well as common abbreviations, alphabetically listed with their English equivalents.

European Glossary on Education - Volume 2: Educational Institutions (Eurydice, The Information Network on Education in Europe)

This second Volume of the European Glossary on Education includes almost 500 national terms describing different kinds of educational institutions. They cover pre-primary, primary, secondary, post-secondary and tertiary levels, as well as adult education.

In the first part of the Glossary, terms are presented in alphabetical order together with their grammatical variants, the countries in which they are used, the level of education to which they refer and an explanatory note.

The second part provides summary tables for each of the 29 countries covered by this terminological resource (the 15 European Union countries, three EFTA/EEA countries and 11 pre-accession countries).

European Education Thesaurus (EET) (Eurydice, The Information Network on Education in Europe)
The European Education Thesaurus (EET) is an information resource language intended to facilitate the recording of and search for information in databases on education in Europe. Covering the 11 official languages of the European Union, it consists of a set of terms linked to one another by hierarchical or associative relationships. The EET is the common language of those who use and administer national and international information resource systems in and beyond the European Union. Other linguistic versions of the EET have been developed independently in the meantime, in Albanian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovene and Turkish.

The European Education Thesaurus, called EET, is a joint product of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

The value of this new edition is to present more language versions (Swedish and Finnish, the two new EU official languages, have been included) and to incorporate all changes to the content adopted since the last edition (1991).

The documents to be downloaded are Acrobat files compressed in a self-extracting zip format.

Naming conventions

File names are in three parts, separated with " _ " as in ss_ll[_pp].Pdf

Two letters (ss) designate the section, with the following possible values:

AL Structured alphabetical presentation
MT List of microthesauri
RO Rotated alphabetical presentation
SY Systematic presentation: microthesauri

Two letters (ll) designating the language version, with the following possible values:

DA Danish
DE German
EL Greek
EN English
ES Spanish
FI Finnish
FR French
IT Italian
NL Dutch
PT Portuguese
SV Swedish

European Union

Eurovoc is a multilingual thesaurus covering the fields in which the European Communities are active; it provides a means of indexing the documents in the documentation systems of the European institutions and of their users. This documentation product is currently used by the European Parliament, the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, national and regional parliaments in Europe, national government departments and certain European organisations.


international relations
European Communities
social questions
education and communications
business and competition
employment and working conditions
agriculture, forestry and fisheries
production, technology and research
international organizations.

Financial Risk Management (International Financial Risk Institute, CH)
Meta content: By Gary L. Gastineau and Mark P. Kritzman

This dictionary is designed for professional financial analysts and managers. It does not attempt to compete with such general reference works as the Barron's Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms or The Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance. The present volume defines and describes many financial terms and concepts that these reference works do not attempt to cover, but it does not list many of the basic terms and concepts a financial analyst learns in introductory courses in finance or in daily experience in financial markets. The principal criterion for inclusion in this volume is that a word or phrase be something that a working finance professional might want to look up.


Langenscheidt Wirtschaft, Handel und Finanzen
© 2000 Langenscheidt, Routledge

Englisch - Deutsch
powered by Langenscheidt und Süddeutsche Zeitung online
Dieses Fachwörterbuch enthält rund 50 000 Fachbegriffe aus über 45 Fachgebieten: z. B. Import/Export, Patentwesen, Steuern, Recht, Statistik, Internationale Finanzdienstleistungen u.v.m.


International Monetary Fund

This terminology database contains over 4,500 records of terms useful to translators working with IMF material. It provides versions of terms in a number of languages, without definitions.

The database includes words, phrases, and institutional titles commonly encountered in IMF documents in areas such as money and banking, public finance, balance of payments, and economic growth. A number of entries include a usage field within square brackets, denoting the origin of the term -- e.g., [OECD] -- or a context -- e.g., [trade]; others contain a cross reference to related records. Acronyms and currency units are also included.

NOTE: a bit slow loading


Information Technology
Dizionario Informatica (Jackson Libri)
Title:Risultato ricerca

Gruppo Editoriale Futura;,



Questo dizionario raccoglie termini e acronimi in campo informatico e telematico, come pure termini inglesi non specificamente tecnici ma ricorrenti nell'utilizzo di programmi o nella navigazione su Internet.

Anche consultabile nella versione It-En con una "full-text search".


Insurance Basics (Pivot)
Glossary of Insurance Terms

The following glossary helps to explain the jargon of life insurance, health insurance, annuities, auto insurance, liability insurance, recreational vehicle insurance, employee benefits and other common forms of insurance coverage.


Langenscheidt Internet Dictionary
Internet Wörterbuch
Meta content: Internet, Wörterbuch, Dictionary, Encyclpaedia, Fachwörter, Lexikon, Fachbegriffe, Begriffe, Computerlexikon, Langenscheidt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Computer - Co
Meta content: Das Internet Wörterbuch von Langenscheidt und Computer
Meta content: Das Internet Wörterbuch

Englisch - Deutsch, powered by Langenscheidt und Süddeutsche Zeitung online. In diesem Wörterbuch finden Sie über 1 500 Internet-spezifische, aber auch allgemeine Computerbegriffe gerade auch zu den aktuellsten Entwicklungen im Net; außerdem: Abkürzungen, Chat-Akronyme und Emoticons.
Dazu täglich der interessante "Begriff des Tages".


ARD-Ratgeber Recht Rechtswörterbuch

Das Ratgeber-Recht-Wörterbuch beinhaltet etwa viertausend Rechtsbegriffe.


Interactive Advertising Glossary (Internet Advertising Bureau)

Founded in 1996, the IAB is the industry’s leading interactive advertising and marketing association. Its activities include evaluating and recommending guidelines and best practices, fielding research to document the effectiveness of interactive media, and educating the industry about the use of interactive advertising and marketing.

The IAB’s Glossary of Interactive Advertising Terms has been written to help marketers, agency executives, and publishers understand the language of this powerful new marketing tool. The Glossary is updated on a regular basis and can be used to define the terms used in the IAB Guidelines. Since the interactive advertising industry continues to evolve, the IAB welcomes suggested changes and additions. Suggestions should be sent to:

European Commission

Multilingual glossary of technical and popular medical terms in nine European languages. This project was commissioned by The European Commission (DG III) and executed by Heymans Institute of Pharmacology and Mercator School, Department of applied Linguistics.


Anatomy of the Human Body

The edition of Henry Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries ranging from the Antrum of Highmore to the Zonule of Zinn.


Research and Development
Cordis R&D Acronyms

The RTD-Acromyms database serves as a compact dictionary for R&D related acronyms and abbreviations. These acronyms represent programmes, projects, organizations, databases, installations and other R&D related items. As acronyms are defined abbreviations which can be pronounced as whole words such as "CORDIS", abbreviations that do not form a word such as "RTD" as well as codes which constituents do not derive from words (e.g. SESAME). Generally speaking the database entries are retrieved from English language sources but the acronym itself does not necessarily need to be of English origin. Some acronyms are given in the different language abbreviations. The content of this database is constantly growing as CORDIS is identifying new acronyms from EU documents, publications, and other sources relating to EU R&D activities. Mainly the acronyms are EU related but there may also be acronyms included which are not strictly adherent to the EU research area but CORDIS does not intend to offer a full coverage of all non-EU R&D related acronyms. The information contained in the RTD-Acronyms database may be retrieved using powerful search features.

Searches may be made for user-defined search terms, Category or Programme Acronym.

Science and Technology
The Scientific World

Database of definitions related to science

Federal Standard 1037 C

This document is composed of terms and accompanying definitions that address the disciplines of: telephony, NS/EP (National Security/Emergency Preparedness), NII (National Information Infrastructure), spectrum sharing, radar, radio communications (including HF ALE radio), television (including UHF, VHF, cable TV, and HDTV), facsimile, networks ( e.g., intelligent networks, open network architecture, ISDN, broadband ISDN, and network management), fiber optic communications, communications security, data processing, premises wiring, photonics, and telegraphy.

The predecessor document, FED-STD-1037C, was approved by the Federal Telecommunication Standards Committee (FTSC) and published by the General Services Administration in 1996. The new Telecom Glossary 2000 enhances FED-STD-1037C by adding new terminology and by eliminating government-specific material and obsolete terms. This updated glossary is currently on the Web as a proposed American National Standard (ANS).



Multimediales Lexikon. In dem multimedialen Nachschlagewerk "Lexikon der Datenkommunikation", das über ca. 7.000 Einträge kennt, exzistieren ca. 25.000 Hyperlinks. Darüber hinaus werden die Begriffe durch ca. 600 Grafiken, durch Tabellen und Fotos unterstützt. Texte, Grafiken, Fotos und Tabellen können direkt ausgedruckt werden.

Dieses Online-Lexikon gibt es auch auf CD mit einigen zusätzlichen Features, klicken Sie hier um mehr zu erfahren.


Notes on usage
The American Heritage Book of English Usage

A practical and authoritative guide to contemporary English: With a detailed look at grammar, style, diction, word formation, gender, social groups and scientific forms, this valuable reference work is ideal for students, writers, academicians and anybody concerned about proper writing style.


The King's English by H. W. Fowler (Bartleby)

The plan for the second edition of the classic reference work The King’s English was dictated by the following considerations: (1) to pass by all rules, of whatever absolute importance, that are shown by observation to be seldom or never broken; and (2) to illustrate by living examples, with the name of a reputable authority attached to each, all blunders that observation shows to be common.


The Elements of Style by William Strunk

Asserting that one must first know the rules to break them, this classic reference book is a must-have for any student and conscientious writer. Intended for use in which the practice of composition is combined with the study of literature, it gives in brief space the principal requirements of plain English style and concentrates attention on the rules of usage and principles of composition most commonly violated.


The American Language by H. L. Mencken

This classic was written to clarify the discrepancies between British and American English and to define the distinguishing characteristics of American English. Mencken’s groundbreaking study was undoubtedly the most scientific linguistic work on the American language to date and continues to serve as a definitive resource in the field.