Internet Search Techniques Course for Translators
by Tanya Harvey Ciampi
Stop Searching,
Start Finding!
(in English/Italian)
The Internet offers
translators instant access to a vast source of information, but
looking for relevant information without the right tools can be like
searching for a needle in a haystack. In a fast-paced world with
technology constantly progressing and the
dictionary printing industry struggling to keep up with the changing
language—and with clients who have come to expect instant turnaround—translators
can ill afford to waste precious time surfing the Internet in vain
for terminology: what we need is instant access to relevant
information that will enable us to deliver high-quality translations
within the tightest of deadlines. The WWW Search Interfaces for
Translators and other techniques presented in this course
provide just that.
During this course,
Tanya Harvey Ciampi will present a series of Internet search
techniques specially designed to help translators sift out relevant
terminology from the Internet, separating the wheat from the chaff:
she will reveal fast and effective methods for locating
definitions and translations of terms in various
languages in free online glossaries, dictionaries and
so-called “parallel texts”, i.e. equivalent texts available
in two or more languages. Designed by a
translator for translators, this course goes well beyond any general
internet course, unveiling a wealth of resources that are just a
click away.
Tanya Harvey Ciampi
grew up in Buckinghamshire (England) and the Italian-speaking canton
of Ticino in southern Switzerland. She obtained her diploma in
translation in Zurich in 1993 and now lives in Maggia, Ticino.
Her past employers
include Rank Xerox Language Technology Centre/Ford Motor Company in
Slough, England, and Merrill Lynch International Investment Bank in
London. She currently works as a freelance English translator (translating
from Italian, German and French) and
This course has been held for many
years at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich/Winterthur
(ZHAW) as well as at CLS Communication AG (Berne), the
Federal Department of Justice and Police
(Berne) and Banca del Gottardo (Lugano) among others.
Internet Search Techniques for Translators
Part 1: Finding Glossaries and Lists of Abbreviations on the
1. Introduction to Internet searching
2. WWW Search Interfaces for Translators
3. Finding glossaries using the WWW Search Interfaces for
4. Finding abbreviations using the WWW Search Interfaces for
5. How do search engines interpret our queries?
6. “Page Not Found” error and how to deal with it
7. Understanding the various components of a URL
Part 2: Advanced Search Techniques
8. Basic vs advanced search techniques
9. Search syntax: “+”, “-“ and quotation marks (“ “)
10. Advanced search syntax: Boolean operators AND, OR, AND NOT and
11. Field searching to restrict your search to a specific part of a
web page
12. Overview of Google search syntax
13. Case sensitivity
14. Other features available in Google
15. General rules for improving your results
Part 3: Finding Parallel Texts on the Internet
16. Finding parallel texts on the Internet
17. Finding parallel texts on separate pages using the WWW Search
Interfaces for Translators
18. Finding parallel texts on the same page using the Search Engine
19. Finding parallel texts by going directly to a website with
parallel texts
20. Advantages and disadvantages of using a website’s own SE as
opposed to a general-purpose SE
21. The invisible web
22. Additional resources
23. Setting up macros in MS Word to run specific Internet searches