De / En | ***** Tecnologix (or here, here or here) ![]() |
En / Fr | *** Sciences en Ligne (Click
on "english version" for En-Fr; Select a field: computer science, mathematics, biochemistry - biology, electromagnetism, chemistry, mechanics, optics, atomic and sub atomic physics, thermodynamics, astronomy, Earth Sciences, electricity - electronics, engineering, computer technology, telecommunications) |
En / De / Fr / Es (Def. in Fr) | CILF (incl. rather technical terms) | |
En / De / Nl / Fr / Es / It / Da / Fi / Sv / La / Gr | Termit (Trieste, Italy) | |
Fr / En (Def. in En / Fr.) | ***** Grand
Dictionnaire (Québec govt., Canada) ![]() |
Many versions | ***** Eurodicautom (or here, here, here, here, here, here) (The European Commission's multilingual term bank) | |
En / De / Nl / Fr / Es / It / Pt / Da / Fi / Sv / La / Gr (Def.) | ***** Euterpe ![]() |
En / Fr / Es (Def. in En / Fr / Es) | ***** Termium ![]() If necessary login as "guest", password: "guest". Select: "Terms" for whole word(s) in "Terms" section of record or "Records" for full-text search in entire record. |
Da / Nl / En / Fi / Fr / De / Gr / Ir / It / La / Pt / Es / Sv (some Def.) | ***** TIS ![]() |
Fr / En | Onterm - Ontario government's bilingual
terminology (The Ontario government's bilingual terminology website; contains over
16,000 entries in 2 databases: official government names and generic names, which can be
searched simultaneously) Fields: law, finance, business, food, agriculture, energy, health and MANY more |
En / De / Fr / Es | Traducteur Technique | |
En / Fr / It / De (some) | Progeterm (Snamprogetti) 12.000 entries (30,000 terms) (www-accessible version is smaller) in following fields: Business, Civil Engineering, Communications, Conference, Construction, Environmental Engineering, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Financial, Geology, Information Technology, Instrument Engineering, Legal, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine, Metallurgy, Offshore, Painting, Piping, Process Engineering, Procurement, Project Engineering, Quality Assurance, Safety, Satellite Communications (GPS). For unlimited access by payment: trad.term@snamprogetti.eni.it |
MANY | ***** RS Catalogue (industrial
equipment) Register FREE. Select countries in separate browser windows; Locate RS Stock No. at one website, then search by stock no. at other website. |
Many versions | Onelook (Searches 589 dictionaries at once) - Select "translations" | |
MANY | EU common
procurement vocabulary all sorts of products (agricultural to industrial). Change the language code: annex1en.pdf to get other languages (e.g. de,it,fr,sv etc.) |
Accessibility |
Fr / En | Accessibility (or here) |
Accounting |
Sp-En | Diccionario Contable y Comercial |
En-Sp | Diccionario Contable y Comercial | |
En-Fr | The Canadian Institute of Actuaries english-french lexicon | |
En / It (Def. in It) | McGraw Hill - Il bilancio (or here) | |
Animals |
Af / Sq / Ar / Bn / Ca / Zh / Hr / Da / Nl / En / Eo / Et / Fi / Fr / De / El / He / Hi / Hu / Is / Id / IT / Ja / Ko / Mk / No / Pl / Pt / Ru / Sl / Es / Sv / Th, Tr / Uk / Vi | Sounds of the world's animals (Animals make much the same sounds around the world, but each language expresses them differently. English and French cows sound the same, but not in English and French! Explore the sounds of the world's languages through the sounds of the world's animals. Search by animal or by language) |
Many versions | North European flora, mammals and birds | |
En / Fi | Funet (plants, birds, mammals, lepidoptera, fish) | |
Arts |
De / En / Fr | Fachsprachliche Begriffe im Bereich Kunst |
It / En (Def. in En & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Painting | |
It / Fr (Def. in Fr & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Painting | |
It / De (Def. in De & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Painting | |
It / Es (Def. in Es & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Painting | |
It / En (Def. in En & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Pigments | |
It / Fr (Def. in Fr & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Pigments | |
It / De (Def. in De & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Pigments | |
It / Es (Def. in Es & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Pigments | |
Astronomy |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | *** Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "astronomie" / "astronomy") |
Audiovisual |
En (some It) (Def. in It) | Glossario dei termini audiovisivi |
En / Fr / Pt | Audiovisual glossary (European Union) | |
Automation |
Automotive |
It / En | Fiat (bilingual website) |
It / En | Ferrari (bilingual website) | |
Fr / En | Lexique auto | |
En / Fr / Es / De / Sv | Car parts | |
De / En | BMW AG Vocabulary (or offline version) | |
De / En / Nl | BMW (short list) | |
De / It | Linguaggio automobilistico - Fachsprache für Automobilkaufleute Some terms have explanations (Wolf Lumb) | |
De / En | Vehicle-related keywords (short list) | |
Aviation |
Fr / En | Dictionnaire des termes techniques aéronautiques (Dassault) |
Batteries |
Bicycles |
Fr / En | Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Dictionary |
De / En / Fr | FA Technik ("Bictionary" by Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club e.V. | |
Biochemistry |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | *** Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "biochimie - biologie") |
Biology |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | *** Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "biochimie - biologie") |
En / It | Dizionario Enciclopedico ZANICHELLI di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche e di Biotecnologie «Italiano-Inglese» «Inglese-Italiano» (definitions in Italian) | |
Biotechnology |
En / It | Dizionario Enciclopedico ZANICHELLI di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche e di Biotecnologie «Italiano-Inglese» «Inglese-Italiano» (definitions in Italian) | |
Birds |
It / La | Italian birds (Università degli Studi di Pavia) |
En / Fr / De / It / Nl | Bird Names | |
La / En / Fr / De / Es | European bird names | |
MULTI (15 lang.) | Bird Names Multilingual Database (keywords:
bird names, ornithology) 9716 bird species, photos |
DE / IT / FR / EN / LA / RM | Switzerland's 101 Bird Species (Vogelwarte) Listen to
the bird calls! Multilingual list of names |
Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books |
En / Nl / Fr / De / It / Es / Sv | Iflanet |
De / En | Books/library (30.000 Fachbegriffe) (or here) | |
Business |
De / En / Es / Fr / It Def. in Fr |
Dictionnaire Commercial |
De / En | Business German | |
De / En | Mr Honey's Business English Dictionary | |
De / En | Leo | |
Sp-En | Diccionario Contable y Comercial | |
En-Sp | Diccionario Contable y Comercial | |
En / It / De / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Dictionnaire d'Apprentissage du Français des Affaires (DAFA) |
En-It | Business/Legal glossary at ProZ (by Jacopo Della Croce di Dojola) | |
It-En | Business/Legal glossary at ProZ (by Jacopo Della Croce di Dojola) | |
Business Management |
En / It / De / Fr | ETH Zürich (Click on "Publications", then on "Dictionary of Industrial Engineering Sciences") or: directly |
It / En (Def. in It) | Glossario di Economia e Economia Aziendale (Il Bilancio - Strumento di Analisi per la Gestione) (Ateneonline, McGraw-Hill) | |
Cartography (the drawing of maps or charts) |
Fr/It, En/It, Es/It, De/It | Glossario multilingue per la catalogazione dei materiali cartografici (Piero Falchetta) |
Cereal |
En / It / Fr / Es | Inea |
Chat slang |
De / En | Chat-Slang und Akronyme |
Chemical (chemistry) |
En / De / Fr / Es / Fi / etc. Identikit in corresp. language |
International chemical safety cards
(ICSCs) by Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (ordered by word/numbers) - Search for term - Make a note of ICSC no. - Return to main page - Select ICSC no. index - Click on corresponding no. |
De / En | Beilstein
Organic Chemistry ![]() |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | *** Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "chimie" / "chemistry") | |
Many | Periodic table in 49 languages and multilingual dictionary (chemical elements; includes description, history and etymology) | |
DE / EN / FR / IT / HR | periodic table of the elements (KTF-Split, Faculty of Chemical Technology) Definitions in some languages. The project is financed by Croatian Ministry for Science and Technology | |
Cable Technology |
En / De | Fachhochschule Konstanz |
Colours |
En / De / Fr | RAL classic Colour Names |
En / Cs / Hu / Fr / De / Es | Color names (colours are shown!) | |
Comics & cartoons |
Company extensions |
Computer |
En / It | Amiga |
En-It | Sententiae (IT, information technology, computer, hardware) | |
En-It | Microsoft Base Glossary at ProZ (by Gianfranco Manca) | |
illustrated |
De-En (Def. in De) |
**** Microsoft Press (or here) |
illustrated |
En-De (Def. in De) |
**** Microsoft Press Modify URL for different letters (or here) |
De / En (Def. in En) | *** Netlexikon (or here) (with background info) | |
De / En | Babylonia | |
De / En | EDV (30.000 Fachbegriffe) (or here) | |
De / En | Computer/Internet Glossary (About.com) | |
De / En | Eberstein's SAP glossary | |
En-It | Cremisi | |
En / Es (def. in Es) | Guia de Comunicaciones | |
En / Fr | *** Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "informatique" / "computer technology") | |
En-Fr | Computer - Accessibility (Public Service Commission, Canada) | |
En-Many | Microsoft user interface words (International Word List) | |
Construction |
De / En | Wörterbuch Konstruktiever Ingenieurbau (Fachhochschule Konstanz, Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen) |
De / En | Technisches Fachwörterbuch (Hauptbereich: Bauwesen und Architektur; Teilbereiche: Archäologie und Metallbau) | |
En / Fr | Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology | |
illustrated |
De / Fr / It | Bathrooms (keywords: showers, toilets, wc, bathroom) |
Corrosion |
Crafts |
En / It | Piccolo dizionario di ricamo inglese/italiano |
En / De (some other) | Stitches (incl. pictures) | |
Cryptography |
Currencies |
Many | Countries & currencies (Click on language links for different languages) |
Cycling |
En / It | Mountainbike dictionary (keywords: bicycle) |
Dairy |
En / It | Dairy dictionary (keywords: farm, cows) |
Data security |
Dental |
It / En | Dizionari di terminologia dentale |
It / En / De / Es | Dental Terminology (Infodent) | |
Derivatives |
Earth Sciences |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | *** Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "sciences de la Terre" / "Earth Sciences") |
E-Commerce |
Economics |
Education |
Many > En | Secondary Education in the European Union: Structures, Organization and Administration (Eurydice) |
Many > It | Secondary Education in the European Union: Structures, Organization and Administration (Eurydice) | |
Many > De | Secondary Education in the European Union: Structures, Organization and Administration (Eurydice) | |
Many > Fr | Secondary Education in the European Union: Structures, Organization and Administration (Eurydice) | |
Many > Es | Secondary Education in the European Union: Structures, Organization and Administration (Eurydice) | |
Many > Pt | Secondary Education in the European Union: Structures, Organization and Administration (Eurydice) | |
Many | European Education Thesaurus
(EET) ![]() Downloadable multilingual lists (click on Download Area) Translation of terms in main European languages |
Electrical Engineering |
Fr / En (full-text search) | École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST) Bretagne / ENST |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | *** Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "électricité - électronique" / "electricity - electronics) | |
En / Some De (Def. in En) | Glossary of Technical Terms | |
Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) |
It / En (Def. in It) |
Italdata |
Electronic Data Processing (EDP) |
It / En (Def. in It) |
Universe s.r.l. |
Fr / En | Security and encryption (Comité d'Action pour le Français en Informatique (Canada) | |
Pt-En | CEMIG |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "électromagnétisme" / "electromagnetism") |
Electronics |
Fr / En (full-text search) | École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST) Bretagne / ENST |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "électricité - électronique" / "electricity - electronics) | |
De / En | Langenscheidt's Dictionary of Microelectronics and Telecommunications | |
De / En | Solution Provider Lexikon (Siemens), incl. abbreviations | |
De / En | EDV-Begriffe (Abbreviations) | |
En / Some De (Def. in En) | Glossary of Technical Terms | |
En-Es (Def. in Es) | Algode (or here) | |
abbreviations |
Electrotechnical |
En / De / Fr (Def. in En & Fr) |
Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database NOTE: only some of the terms are defined; essentially it is a Fr / De / En dictionary |
Energy |
It-En (Def. in It) | Le Parole dell'Energia (ENI) (500 terms) |
Environment |
It-En (Def. in It) | ENI (650 terms) |
Elevator Technology |
De / En | Wörterbuch Aufzugstechnik |
European Union |
Da De En El Es Fr It Nl Pt Fi Sv | European Union (Parallel documents
can be used as a dictionary) TIP: In Altavista's advanced search, try searching for "host:europa.eu.int AND (xxx NEAR yyy) |
Da De En El Es Fr It Nl Pt Fi Sv | European Union acronyms and abbreviations | |
Film |
Multi | Online Film Dictionary (19 languages: brazilian portuguese, croatian, danish, dutch, english, finnish, french, german, hungarian, italian, norwegian, polish, portuguese, russian, slovakian, serbian, spanish, swedish and turkish.) |
Multi | Internet Movie Database (keywords: film names, names of films, film titles, titles of films) foreign and English version if available. | |
It-En | Dizionario Termini Cinematografici | |
En-It | Dizionario Termini Cinematografici | |
Finance |
En / It / De / Fr (Def. in En / It / De / Fr) |
Axone Tradition - Derivatives (or here, here, here) |
De / En | Deutsche
Bank Financial Glossary (English-German & German-English) (Bank- und Börsenlexikon) |
De / En | Wirtschaft und Finanzen-Lexikon To search the other way round, go to Google and search for e.g.: devisenmarkt site:www.markt-daten.de |
En / It / De / Fr | Canoo.net (glossary of financial terms incl. context and definitions) | |
De / En | Oesterreichische Nationalbank Dictionary (Deutsch-Englisch) | |
De / En | Mr Honey's First Banking Dictionary | |
De- En (Def. in De and En (on sep. page)) | Fachbegriffe des Futures- and Optionsmarkts (or here) (Centre for Futures Education) | |
De / Es / En / Fr / It (Def. in each lang.) | Capital dictionary Search for your term then, to find a translation of your term or of the definition, click on the flag and select a language. | |
En-It (Def. in It) | Il Glossario Finanziario
(Axiaonline) Some Translations of En terms into It |
En-De | Langenscheidt
Wirtschaft, Handel und Finanzen ![]() |
En / De / Fr / Es / Pt | International
Monetary Fund (IMF) ![]() |
En / It (Def. in It) | Glossario di linguaggio finanziario
(Fin.Eco Investimenti) (if you experience problems viewing other letters, postion mouse
over "Italiano" or "Inglese", press CTRL then left-click on the
required letter) Use the website's own search engine to locate keywords in the glossary! |
It / En (Def. in It) | Caboto | |
It / De / Fr (Def. in / It / De / Fr) |
Raiffeisen (banking and stock exchange terms) | |
En / It / De / Fr (Def. in En / It / De / Fr) | Dictionary of Banking | |
En / It / De / Fr (Def. in En / It / De / Fr) | Investment funds (UBS) (use four parallel monolingual dictionaries) | |
De / Fr / It (Def. in De / Fr / It) |
Zurich (areas: azioni,
derivati, fondo d'investimento, investire, mercati, obbligazioni, opzioni, scambi /
Aktien, Anlagefonds, Anlegen, Derivate, Handel, Märkte, Obligationen, Optionen / actions,
dérivés, fonds de placement, investir, marchés, négoce, obligations, options) Search by keyword, subject area or letter. |
De / En / Fr / It (Def. in De / En / Fr / It) | TermFinance (or here) | |
Fr / En (Def. in En / Fr) | Glossary of Canada's Department of Finance (Fr-En: Def. in Fr; En-Fr: Def. in En) | |
De / En / Fr / It | Handelsregisteramt Zug | |
Fr-En | Finance (Canada) | |
En-Fr | Finance (Canada) | |
It/En (Def. in It) | Credito Italiano | |
Fr/En | Dictionary of financial and stock market jargon (Dictionnaire évolutif de la finance et bourse) (Christopher Freeland) | |
Fr / En | Lexique SIBF, Système d' Information Bancaire et Financier | |
De / En / (It) / (Fr) | UBS Dictionary of Banking (It, Fr: target languages only) (or here, here, here) | |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Liste Terminologique de l'APFA (banking, finance) | |
En / It (Def. in It) | Dizionario di finanza (or here) | |
En / It (Def. in It) | MC Consulting | |
It / En | Glossario del risparmio gestito (or here: Click on Education then Termini inglesi) | |
En-It (Def. in It) | Glossario della Borsa (Borsaitalia) | |
En-It | Finance glossary at ProZ (by Gianfranco Manca) | |
It-En | Borsaitalia | |
En / De / Fr / Nl | Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary Monolingual En glossary with parallel monolingual glossaries also available in French, German and Dutch) |
Da / Nl / En / Fi / Fr / De / Gr / Ir / It / La / Pt / Es / Sv | Euro Multilingual Glossary (European Union) | |
Fish |
Food |
En / Fr / Es / Sv / De / It / NL | Cuisine and gastronomy (cuisine, gastronomy, fish, meat, vegetables, poultry, spices, desserts, champignons, shellfish) |
De / En / Es / It / Fr | Gastronomical dictionary (Acena) | |
De / En / Es / It / Fr | Meat glossaries (beef, veal, mutton, pork, poultry) | |
En / Fr / Es / Zh / Ar / La | FAOTERM Database: Food and Agriculture (or here) (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) | |
illustrated |
Many (Def. in En) | Encyclopedia of Spices |
Glass |
De / En / It / Fr | Wörterbuch für fachliche Begriffe aus dem Berufsbereich des Glaserhandwerks (57 pages) (keywords: windows, houses, building, architecture) |
Grains |
En / Es / It / Fr | Multilingual glossary of cereal cultivation |
En / Es / Fr / Pt | Agrovoc | |
Hackers |
Information Technology |
En / It (Def. in It) |
www.arc.it |
En / It | Glossario dellinformazione e di tecnologia delle comunicazioni (ICT4LT) | |
En-It (Def. in It) | Le Parole dell'Informatica (ENI) (350 terms) | |
En-It (It-En) | MoreOrLess ![]() |
En-Fr (Def. in Fr) | IBM | |
En / It / Es / Pt / Cat / Ro | Tele3 | |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Le Signet (Office de la langue française, Gouvernement de Québec) (6000 entries) | |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Liste Terminologique de l'APFA | |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Le Jargon français (informatique) (or here) | |
En / Cat / Es / Fr / It / Pt / Rm (incl. Def. & context) | Dictionnaire panlatin de l'informatique | |
De / En / Fr | Babylonia - Englisch-Deutsches Informatikwörterbuch | |
De / Fr | Dictionnaire Informatique | |
En / Es (some En) Def. in Es | Tectimes | |
Fr-En | IT glossary at ProZ (by Julia Gal) | |
abbreviations |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | Acrodict (enter your term in the box at the bottom of the page) |
Insurance |
E n / It | Borsa Assicurativa |
It-En / De / Fr (Def. in It) | Irsa (incl. context) | |
De / En | Health Insurance | |
Intellectual Property |
En / De / Fr | Intellectual Property (or here) |
Internet |
MANY (Def. in all languages) |
Netglos by Amiga |
En - De (Def. in De) | Extrabyte Internet Glossar (or here) | |
En - De (Def. in De) | Langenscheidt Internet Dictionary ![]() |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | Karim Benzineb (Traducteur au Conseil de l'Europe) | |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | Office de la langue française, Quebec | |
En-Pt | Ajato | |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Liste Terminologique de l'APFA | |
Labour |
En / De / Es / Fr | ILOTERM - International Labour Organization (Social/Labour) |
En <> Da / De / Es / Fr / Gr / It / Nl / Pt (more to come) | European Employment and Industrial
Relations Glossaries (EMIRE) (explains the national industrial relations systems of
the EU member states) Select country speaking the language of your search term Keywords: labour, labor, work, industrial, workplace |
Law (legal) |
En / De | Liechtenstein Company Law |
En / De | Swiss legal terms | |
En / La | Glossary of Latin Terminology | |
En / De / Es / Fr | Übersetzungen deutscher Gerichtsbezeichnungen | |
En-It | Business/Legal glossary at ProZ (by Jacopo Della Croce di Dojola) | |
It-En | Business/Legal glossary at ProZ (by Jacopo Della Croce di Dojola) | |
Fr-En | Legal glossary at ProZ (by Maya Jurt) | |
De-En | Legal glossary at ProZ (by Astrid Johnson) | |
Fr-It (Def. in It) | Dictionnaire du Droit Privé français - Version italienne | |
It / De | Legal term data bank (European Academy of Bolzano) (4000 entries). | |
Leather |
Es / En / It | Vocabulario del cuero (Cueronet) |
Light |
Logistics |
abbreviations |
Management |
Management and Technology |
En / It / Fr / Es | Mc2 Management Consulting |
Marketing |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Liste Terminologique de l'APFA |
De / En / Fr | Marketing.ch | |
Materials Science and Engineering |
Materials testing |
Mathematics |
De / En | Grundlagen (Uni Goettingen) (and here) |
De / En | Analysis (Uni Goettingen) (and here) | |
De / En | Numerik (Uni Goettingen) (and here) | |
De / En | Lineare Algebra (Uni Goettingen) (and here) | |
Meat |
FR / EN / DE / IT / PT / ES | Interviandes (Commercial catalogue - mirror pages with meat cuts in different languages): meat cuts |
EN / PT / ES | Glosario de Cortes Bovinos (Argentinan Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación): meat cuts | |
EN / ZH / KO / JA / ES | Usmef: downloadable multilingual pdfs and glossary: meat cuts | |
Fr / En / Es / It / De | MHR Viandes (Beef, veal, mutton, pork, poultry) | |
Mechanical Engineering |
Fr / En | Baobab |
illustrated |
De / En / Fr | Reisser Schraubentechnik: (screws, products from brass, steel, plastic (small and basic) |
De / En / Es / Fr / It | United Components (5-6 pages, 400 entries) | |
En / De / Fr / Es / It / Pt / Rus (Def. & images) | Beumer (short Trados demo version) | |
En / De / Fr / Es / It / Pt / Rus | TermIng (short Trados demo version) | |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | *** Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "mécanique" / "mechanics") | |
Many | Hauni (short Trados demo version) | |
En / It / De / Fr / Sv | Dictionary for the Turbomachinery Domain | |
EN / ES / PT / IT / DE | Costex Multingual Mechanical Parts Handbook (mechanical parts, tractors, clutch brake, actuator, enclosure, mechanics, engineering) | |
En-It | Machine Tools glossary at ProZ (by Gianfranco Manca) | |
De / En / Fr | Wörterbücher aus dem Schloß- und Beschlagbereich - Click on "Brancheninformationen" (or here, here) (keywords: door locks, keys) | |
De / En / Fr / It | Wörterbuch - Möbelbereich (keywords: furniture locks, desk locks, sliding bolt locks, cylinder locks, box locks, keys) | |
En / It / De / Fr / Sv | Dictionary for the Turbomachinery domain (EPFL, Lausanne) | |
Medical |
En / Du / Fr / De / Es / It / Pt | European
Commission ![]() |
En / It / Fr / Dan / Ge / Es / Du / Po | *****Speed search / Multilingual (or here) | |
DA / DE / EN / ES / FR / IT / NL / PT (with Def.) | Salus - Medicina in rete | |
En / It | Dizionario Enciclopedico ZANICHELLI di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche e di Biotecnologie «Italiano-Inglese» «Inglese-Italiano» (definitions in Italian) | |
illustrated |
De / En (Def. in De) |
Roche Lexikon (Select Gesundheit Scout24) Roche Lexikon Roche Lexikon (Click on Recherche / Lexika / Roche Lexikon) Roche Lexikon (no illustr.) |
Fr / En (Def in Fr) |
Atmedica | |
(pictorial dictionaries) |
abbreviations |
Fr / En | Medical abbreviations (Atmedica) |
Metallurgy |
De / En / Es / Fr / It | Eurofer Steel Dictionary (European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries) |
It-De | Acciaio - Glossary at ProZ (by Giuliana Buscaglione) | |
De / En / Fr Def in En |
Aluminium glossary (keyword: aluminum) | |
Music |
En / De / Fr | Cadenza Glossary |
Many | GNU LilyPond | |
Names of Swiss institutions, associations and groups |
En De It Fr (sometimes others, too) | SwissTerms |
Occupational titles |
Oil & gas industry |
Optics |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | *** Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "optique" / "optics") |
Packaging, Shipping and Transporta-
En / De | International transport |
De / En / Fr / Es | Customs | |
En / De / Fr / Es | Customs | |
Patents |
En / Fr / De | Patents |
En / It | Glossario sui brevetti Inglese - Italiano | |
Performance |
Plants |
Many | Plant botany |
De / Fr / It / Lat | lndex Synonymique de la Flore de Suisse (Multilingues) (keyword: flora, flowers) | |
En / La | Andrew N. Gagg's PHOTO FLORA | |
Plastics |
De / En | Rubber and Plastics Technology |
Postal services |
En / De / Fr / Es / Pt | Universal Postal Union |
Printed Circuit Design |
Pumps |
Purchasing |
En / It (Def. in En / It) |
SK Soles |
Quality Manage-
En / It / Fr / Es | Mc2 Management Consulting |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Liste Terminologique de l'APFA | |
De / En / Es / Fr | Intosai (Auditing & Quality Management) | |
Real Estate |
De / En / It / Fr / Es (Def. in De) | IREX Immobilienlexikon (for definitions, click on Glossar on main page and search for German term) |
Reinsurance |
Risk Assessment |
En / It / Fr / Es | Mc2 Management Consulting |
Safety |
It / En (partial) Def. in It | Sicurezza fisica e elettronica (Securcomp) |
En-It | Health and Safety glossary at ProZ (by Gianfranco Manca) | |
Safety symbols |
Many | Cisco (parallel texts can be used as a glossary) |
Science and Technology |
Search Engines |
De (En with some De) | Glossar der Fachbegriffe bezüglich Internet Suchmaschinen |
Fr (some En) | ||
It (some En) | Glossario dei termini relativi ai motori di ricerca | |
Shoes |
De / En / Es / Fr / It | Dizionario Internazionale dei termini calzaturieri (CEQ) |
Social Welfare |
De / En / Fr / It | Profond |
Soldering |
Sports |
En / De | Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft |
Statistics |
En / De / Fr (Def. in En / De / Fr) | CODED (Eurostat, European Commission) Switch source language by changing en/de/fr in url. |
En / De / Nl / Fr / Es / It / Da / Fi / Pt / Sv and MORE | *** ISI (International Statistical Institute) Glossary of Statistical Terms (European Union) (ore here, here) | |
En / Fr / Es | Cortland Statistical glossary | |
Stock Market |
It-En (Def. in It) | Le Parole della Borsa (ENI) (150 terms) |
En / De / Es / Pt / Jp (Def. in each lang.) | Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology | |
De (some En) | Börsebegriffe (Wienerbörse) | |
Taxation (fiscal) |
En / De (Def. in De) | US tax glossary (Pinkernell) |
Fr / En (Def. in En) |
Multimania |
En / Fr / Es / Ru (Def. in En) |
Termite (ITU) (bandwidth, telecom, ISDN, ITU, telecommunications; 59000 entries) | |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Liste Terminologique de l'APFA | |
Fr / En (Def. in Fr) | *** Sciences en Ligne (Click on "english version" for En-Fr; Select "télécommunications" / "telecommunications") | |
abbreviations |
De / En | Langenscheidt's Dictionary of Microelectronics and Telecommunications |
De / En (Def. in De) | **Datacom ![]() |
Textiles |
De / En / It / Fr | Textile Finishing |
De / En / Fr / It | The Multilingual Textile Dictionary | |
De / En / Es / Fr / It | The ENKA textile dictionary (or here) | |
De / En / Es / Fr | Dictionnaire Technique du Secteur Textile | |
En-It | Textiles glossary at ProZ (by Gianfranco Manca) | |
Tools |
Trade (Inter-
En / Fr / De / Es / It | Incoterms (Swiss-shippers) |
En / It (Def. in It) | Glossario (IntesaTrade) | |
It / En (Def. in En & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Tools | |
It / Fr (Def. in Fr & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Tools | |
It / De (Def. in De & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Tools | |
It / Es (Def. in Es & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Tools | |
Trains |
De / En | German-English Dictionary of Railway Technology |
De / En | German-English dictionary of railway or technical terms | |
Translation |
En / De | Übersetzer- und Dolmetscher-Fachbegriffe |
Transportation |
En / Fr (Def. in Fr) | Liste Terminologique de l'APFA |
It / En | Glossario Trasporti Inglese-Italiano (Italiano-inglese) | |
Typography |
En / Fr / It / Es | Irisa |
De / En / Es / Fr / It | Glossario Topografia | |
De / En (Def. in De) | Dictionary of typographical, computer, bookbinding & printing terms (approx. 600 entries, some illustrations) | |
United Nations |
Ar / En / Es / Fr / Ru / Zh | United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database |
Units of Measurement |
En / It | Unit of measure - conversions equivalences |
Wine |
En / It | Watson's Wine Glossary (or here) (over 1,700 wine-related term pairs) |
Watches |
De / En | Wristwatch dictionary |
En / Fr / It | Baume et Mercier (click on "langue" at top of page) | |
En / Fr / De / Es | Fédération de l'Industrie Horlogère Suisse (4103 terme & 1000 definitions) | |
Wood |
En / Fr / Es / De / It / Pt / Hu / Sw / Ja | SilvaTerm Database by SilvaVoc, IUFRO`s project on forest terminology (forest, forests, forestry, wood, tree, trees) |
illustrated |
De-many (Fr / En (UK / US) / It
etc.) (Def. in De) |
Holzglossar (incl. local names in various countries & languages) |
De / Fr | Holz.de Fachwörterbuch (keywords: timber, trees, paper) | |
De / En | Holz.de Fachwörterbuch (keywords: timber, trees, paper) | |
It / En (Def. in En & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Woods | |
It / Fr (Def. in Fr & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Woods | |
It / De (Def. in De & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Woods | |
It / Es (Def. in Es & It) | Argos Art and Restoration Glossary: Woods |
ABBREVIATIONS used on this page | |
Bas = Basque Cat = Catalan Dan = Danish De = German Def = Definitions Dut = Dutch En = English Et = Estonian Fin = Finnish Fr = French Gr = Greek Ir = Irish It = Italian Jp = Japanese Lat = Latin Pt = Portuguese Ro = Romanian Rus = Russian Sp = Spanish Swe = Swedish Tk = Turkish Zh = Chinese |
En / It = both versions (En-It and It-En), with either
full-text searching or a dictionary version to be selected prior to searching En-It = only that particular version |